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"You... You just sang!" He said shocked. I giggled at the look on his face. "You should do that more often."

I shook my head. "Why not?" He pouted.

'why do you want to hear me talk so bad?'

"That's the most you've ever said to me. And I want to hear what you sound like. That sounded weird... I'm sorry." He said rubbing the back of his neck. I looked at him for a minute then whispered, "it's ok."

"Did you just say something?!?" He asked. I giggled and nodded.

"Please say something else."

'sorry I've exceeded my speaking limit for the day :P'

"Ok fine."

               --2 months later--

I was starting to open up to Hunter a little more each day. But now that it was getting close to break, I didn't know what I was going to do. Hunter was the only constant thing in my life, other than work or school which were both ending due to this break. And Hunter was supposed to be going to his dad's house. So I would be alone for the first time. Thinking about being alone made my eyes start to water. "Caroline are you ok?" He asked as we walked to lunch and he saw a tear run down my cheek. I nodded and walked a little faster trying to get out of his view. He sped up and grabbed my wrist.

"Caroline what's wrong?" Hunter asked worried.

"I don't want you to leave..." I whispered, not realizing what I said. I looked down away from Hunter's blue eyes. Hunter let go of my wrist and put a hand under my chin, pushing my chin up to look at him. "I'm not leaving you." He whispered back. I turned my eyes to look into his. "I'm not going to my dad's house."

A smile spread across my face. After a few minutes of us looking into each others eyes, we went to lunch. The rest of the day went by slowly. The final bell rang and I walked to the parking lot to wait by Hunter's truck. "Hey babe what are you doing here?" Someone said behind me. I turned to see my ex boyfriend. Great. He stepped closer to me and I pressed myself further into Hunter's truck. He put one of his hands on one side of the truck blocking my escape. The other one coming up to grab my face.

Why did I always pick the crazy guys? Why couldn't every guy be like Hunter? Speaking of Hunter, where was he cause right now would be a great time to make an appearance. As if on cue I heard Hunter's voice, "What are you doing near my truck?" Apparently he couldn't see me. I tried to turned my head to the side to get a view of Hunter's face, for a split second we made eye contact, before my ex pulled my face back in line with his. Hunter's expression changed from slightly angry to extremely pissed off. I looked at my ex then back in Hunter's direction, but he wasn't there anymore. Before I could even register what was going on my ex was being ripped away from me and I fell to the ground.

"What the hell?!?" My ex screamed.

"Don't you dare come near her again!" Hunter yelled at him. He looked at me and his expression softened, "are you ok?" I nodded, still on the ground.

Hunter walked over to me, helped me up, opened the passenger door and let me in. He closed the door, walked around the front of the truck, and got in.

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