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"Caroline I know you've built up walls to keep everyone out and you always push people away, but I'm here for you."

"I think I'm gonna go to the store and buy some more food." I nervously said and stood.

"No Caroline, I'll go to the store." Hunter said defeated. Without another word Hunter stood up, grabbed his keys and shoes, and walked out the door. I heard his truck start and drive away. I paced around the apartment, stopping every so often to punch the wall. My hand was really hurting, it was getting late, and Hunter wasn't back yet. I was really getting worried, I searched for my phone in the tangled blankets on the floor. I called Hunter, just in case he was driving. It rang 7 times then went to voicemail, I tried again. It rang twice then someone answered.


"No, this is doctor Freedman."

"Why do you have Hunter's phone?"

"I think you should come to the hospital." The doctor said. I stayed silent, then hung up.

I basically ran to the hospital. I walked in the door and walked to the front desk. "I'm... here... to see... a patients... named Hunter..." I said panting.

"Sweetheart you need to calm down." The nurse said. "Sit down."

A doctor walked towards the front desk. His name tag said James Freedman.

"You're doctor Freedman?" I asked.

"Yes that's me. What can I help you with?"

"You answered Hunter's phone, when I called him."


"What happened to Hunter?"

"Are you his girlfriend?"

"Uh... Yeah I am."

"Ok follow me please." He said, walking towards one of the rooms."

"You still haven't answered my question."

"Hunter was in a car accident..." I couldn't hear what the doctor was saying anymore. Everything started going blurry as we walked down the white hallway and then everything went black.


A/n: I know this is a short chapter but there's a lot going on so it needed to be short.

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