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I woke up with an ice pack on my head and doctor Freedman standing over me. "Are you alright?" I nodded.

"Can I see Hunter please?" I said quietly.

"Yes alright. He's right this way." We walked into a room with white walls, and quite a lot of beeping machines. Hunter was hooked up to a heart monitor. His figure was still and he was very pale.

"Is he going to be ok?"

"We aren't sure, head injuries are tricky. He is in a coma, and we don't know when he'll be awake. I'm sorry." He said then walked out of the room. I sat down in a chair next to Hunter. I grabbed his hand and laid my head down on the hospital bed.

--4 days later--

I felt Hunter move. My head shot up and I looked at Hunter's face. "Hunter?" I asked softly. His eyes twitched but didn't open. I sighed, this had happened a lot over the past few days. The doctor said it was because he was dreaming. I didn't believe him, it looked more like Hunter was fighting. Fighting for his life. The thought terrified me. A nurse walked in, "you know he can hear you, so talking to him might help, hun." She fixed Hunter's blankets and walked out. Talking to him, but I don't talk all that much. I guess it couldn't hurt.

"Hey Hunter. So the nurse said that talking to you might help you recover faster. Uh.. I thought I would try it. Do you remember the first day we met?" I laughed. "I sat next to you in class and I think you were writing chords for a song. And you slipped a note in my spiral." I talked to Hunter for 2 days straight. On the second day I finally told Hunter how I felt about him. "Hunter I can't lose you. You're the first person, other than my parents, that I've loved and I lost them, I can't lose you too. Please wake up." Tears poured out of my eyes. A few minutes later Hunter moved. I looked up. "Hunter?"

"Hey." He said hoarsely. I grabbed him some water and helped him drink it.

"Why were you crying?"

"Maybe cause you were in a coma for 6 days."

"I was?"


"Shouldn't you be in school then? Break is only a week long."

"I wasn't going to leave your side."

"That's sweet but I don't want to get you in trouble or anything."

"You won't, trust me."

"Ok. Wait so you never left my side?"

"Well I did to go home and change. And to buy food but that's about it."

"Speaking of food, I'm starving!" Hunter said.

"I'll get you some food then."

"No I'll just call a nurse, I don't want you to leave."

"Alright. Uh... so did you hear anything while you were in a coma?"

"Well I had a dream that you were telling me about when we met and everything that has happened between us."

"Nothing else?"

"Not that I remember no." He said pushing a button to call a nurse.

Hunter's POV

Did she really expect me to tell her that I basically heard her tell me she loves me? I couldn't tell her, not because I didn't love her but because I'm terrified of commitment.

Caroline's POV

The nurse walked in with a tray of food for Hunter and it didn't take him long to finish all of it and want more.

"You are such a teenage boy." I said laughing.

"I'm not a boy I'm a man!" He exclaimed putting his hands in his hips.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night."

"You help me sleep at night." I looked at him in disbelief. Had he really said that or was I imaging things?

"Well you do. I did sleep very well but with you next to me I feel like I'm where I belong." I blushed and looked down at my hands.

"Stop doing that."

"Doing what?"

"Looking down when you blush."


"Cause there's no reason to be embarrassed and even if there was, you are so adorable when you blush."

"No I'm not." Hunter placed a hand on my cheek, then he flicked my nose. "Ow! What was that for?" I said rubbing my nose.

"Because I love you." I looked at him and saw he was completely serious.

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