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I woke up to Hunter knocking on the door, whining, "Caroline, come out of the bathroom. I gotta pee." I opened the door and tried to get around Hunter, but the second I did he blocked my path. He immediately regretted the decision when he saw the terrified look in my eyes and moved out my way. He was in the bathroom for a long time and I was starting to get worried. I knocked on the door and Hunter opened it. I guess I had been wrong about Hunter being pale, because he certainly wasn't now that I could see all of his muscular chest. I looked down wanting to slap myself, I couldn't be thinking about Hunter like this, he's just a friend. "What?" Hunter asked, slightly annoyed. I shook my head not looking up at him and walked away. A few minutes later the shower started running, which meant I had some time to myself. I laid down on done blankets that were in my living room and went to sleep.

I woke up to Hunter shaking me, almost violently. I sat up panting. I looked around trying to figure out where I was. "Caroline. Calm down. Deep breaths." Hunter said. I looked at him. "Deep breaths." He said calmly. I looked at him and started crying. I didn't know what was wrong with me. "Shh. It's ok." He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close to his chest. Normally I wouldn't let anyone get this close but Hunter wasn't just anyone. I closed my eyes and pressed my face into his chest, causing his arms to wrap tighter around me. We stayed like this for what seemed like forever before I pulled myself away, wiping my eyes. "Are you better now?" Hunter asked. I nodded.

"Are you going to start talking to me again? I like hearing your voice..."

"I guess." I whispered. Hunter smiled.

"Ok, um... Can I ask you a question?"

"You just did." I whispered.

Hunter rolled his eyes, "yeah I guess I did. Anyway, will you tell me why you were crying?"

I shook my head and stood up. I turned away from Hunter to walk to the kitchen, but he grabbed my hand. "Caroline I want you to trust me. What is it going to take for you to do that?"

I turned back to face him. I looked at his hand that was holding mine.

"I'll tell you about my family, the reason I started playing guitar, or my problem..." My eyebrows shot up at the last thing. Hunter told me to sit down, and he told me about his brothers and sisters. He had 8 brothers and 6 sisters, his parents were divorced, and he lived with his mom. He started playing guitar when he turned 10 after his dad left. My brain was having a hard time wrapping itself around everything he was telling me and it only got worse when he started telling me about his problem. "I have depression and normally I'm antisocial. I used to cut but I haven't done that for 3 months." I thought about what could've happened 3 months ago, but nothing came to mind. "I know you're trying to figure out what happened, so I might as well tell you. I met you Caroline." I blushed and looked at the floor. "Even though you didn't talk, you were the light in my darkness. I don't know what came over me the first day I saw you but my antisocial tendencies just kind of disappeared." I looked up and was met by Hunter's ridiculously blue eyes. "Caroline, you have made my life worth living and I'm so thankful that I met you." I stared at him in shook.

"I know I just dumped a while load of crap on you I'm sorry..." I didn't say anything I just stared at him.

"Caroline please say something." I didn't know what happened next but I blurted out, in a whisper, "my parents died in a car accident... I was driving, and everyone told me it wasn't my fault but I feel like somehow it was my fault. But I don't know the truck just came out of nowhere, there was no time for me to react, then our car got pushed into oncoming traffic and we got hit again. The doctor said it was a miracle I lived but really it's just been terrible not having my parents hovering around me all the time." Hunter stared at me, a tear slipping from my eye.

"Am I the only person you've told?" He asked, I nodded. Tears started pouring out of my eyes again, but this time I didn't let Hunter come near me. He had enough to deal with he didn't need my problems too. I stood and walked towards the bathroom, but Hunter grabbed my shoulders and turned me around. "There's no point in hiding anymore, you already told me what happened." He put his arms around my waist, I flinched at his touch. He noticed but didn't move, he just pulled me closer to him. He rested his chin on top of my head. I didn't notice he was so tall. We stood this way for awhile and then he kissed the top of my head.


A/n: so I feel like this chapter is kind of all over the place but whatever, hopefully you guys like it.

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