the prologue

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"That's absurd! You can't just send me away after a foolish, minor conflict!" Y/N cried, watching her mother pace around the recreation room.

"Minor? It's trending on every media platform! Do you understand the damages on our name? To the company you are to inherit?" M/N shouted.

Y/N clenched her jaw and dug her nails into the beanbag to hide her anger. The rage grew larger when M/N had smacked her daughter's face and had left a red handprint on her face. Though, Y/N did not do a thing.

"The company that I do not want to inherit?" Y/N mumbled, "M/N. I don't give a shit about what you say. You aren't sending me away! You're being an idiot as usual and allowing your emotions to steer your actions."

"Don't you use that language with me, you damn disappointment! And you trust me, I understand what I'm doing. No emotion is controlling me, I am not blinded! We've been planning this since your many, controversial incidents!" M/N yelled.

She was suddenly interrupted when her husband gripped her shoulder—giving her a calmed, stern face. She quietly backed away and slowly found herself moving out of Y/N's view. F/N sighed and plopped onto the couch, wiping the fake sweat from his head.

"I understand that you are not in the right state to inherit the company, especially at this age. This company is important to your mother and I; we've worked on building FOC Corporations even before your sister's birth. B/N went through this, he's been doing great." F/N explained.

"Why're bring up so B/N suddenly?" Y/N asked curiously with her brows beginning to slant. B/N.

B/N L/N was a brother she never met. Thank God.

The story was all over the news—the only source where'd she learned about her brother's history. Her late sister wouldn't tell her anything nor did her relatives or the service people at her house.

She tried her best to learn from her relatives, but in the end, was forced to hear the media's side of the story instead. Y/N didn't want to believe it, but she assumed they were sworn to secrecy.

Just before her birth, B/N had gotten into the argument over his inheritance of FOC (For Our Children) Corporations.

To no surprise, it was his abusive mother who chose for him. She wouldn't listen to her son's cries for months at most.

M/N had planned to make her son inherit as soon as Y/N was born which was only a week from then. Not only that, she'd arrange a marriage for him!

Though, he was only 17 years old. He wondered what he could've done to stop it. No one would believe his story if he told– actually, do anything since the L/N held much power over the industry.

So he decided to run away.

And so, the day M/N went into labor– he packed whatever he could carry and left to Korea. He didn't leave a letter for his sisters, any contact information; all that he knew was that he'd have to build a new career.

Though his sister tried to stop him, her charisma didn't work this time. She knew that nothing would stop him and decided to help him escape, though, she left that detail out of the story of course.

Y/N, when she found out his story, became hateful towards her mother and even her birthday.

However, her brother later became one of the most successful men of Korea– owning a company worth millions and starting a family with the woman of his dreams.

As she grew up, Y/N assumed that B/N would return into her life and patch a lost relationship with her, but it never happened. Everyday after her lessons, she'd wait at the telephone for his call. She may have been desperate for his attention, but truly, she had no one else to look up to since her sister's death came to play.

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