the fifteenth chapter

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"Are you L/N Y/N?" The intimidating- and also bald- security guard asked with his head held high

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"Are you L/N Y/N?" The intimidating- and also bald- security guard asked with his head held high.

"If I say yes, am I gonna get jumped?"

"So are you or not?" He asked, this time more firmly, "I'm assuming you are. Come with me."

"What am I here for? I-If that's not too much to ask, y-you know wh-what? Don't answer me! I- I'm an idiot so hEhEh."

"Ah, here she is." Security remarked to the old guy from earlier, "We would like to know if you want to press charges or not."

"Hold on, what is she even being charged for?" Yeong-Gi argued as Y/N hung her held low and tuned out everyone.

I've done it again. Not even two weeks and I'm already in another scandal. I've done it. I'm trouble no matter where I go.

No matter what changes
there are, I'm still me.

"Miss (L/N)," The security calls as Yeong-Gi tapped her shoulder, "Do you wish to press charges or not?"

"Huh? Excuse me?" She looked at the man who looked away from her as best as possible.

"This man was the one who assaulted you at the food court. Correct?" He explains, "We saw the surveillance footage and detained him as ordered."

"What do you wish to do?"

"Thank you so much, God bless your soul! I'll make sure of this experience to better myself! I'm so sorry." The man claims bowing down to you and weirding you out.

"Please stand up." He stands up awkwardly as you rolled your eyes irritated on the lack of knowledge he seemed to have, "Not only did you ruin my clothing and harrass me, which I forgiven you for, but you attempted to kidnap the child. You didn't forget that, did you?"

"N-no ma'am." He said with his head low, "And I don't expect forgiveness for my action either."

"Good to hear that," You hear, "Though, you won't get away easily. I'm assuming that the whole story wasn't told. Correct? Go back in that office and turn yourself in."

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