the sixth chapter

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"I'll make sure you get that one star, asshole!" Y/N yelled to the Mark who pulled out of the parking lot & drove off, "I thought we had a connection 😔. He was going take me home and I was going to pay extra."

This is your fault too. You thought looking at Yeong-Gi as you pulled out your phone, I'm gonna get a lecture from my bitch ass brother! Look at you, tearing this family apart & crap.

"YOU DUMBASS, WHERE ARE YOU? ARE YOU OK—" You back the phone from your ear drum and cringe at the yelling.

"SHE ISN'T GONNA ANSWER TO YOU, YOU SCREAMING IDIOT! GIMME THE PHONE." Doyun screams as he snatched his phone away.

"Y/N, It's Doyun. Are you okay?" He asked worryingly as you bent down and checked Stalker's pulse.

"I'm at the Hirahara Memorial Hospital. Come get me." You said, "Bring me food. I want some motherfu- flipping, uh. Tiramisu."

"How did you get in the hospital?! Y/N, don't you da–" A nurse looks to you while you hang up your phone and place it safely away.

"Ex..cuse m-me, ca..n you h-help my fr–" Her squeal comes out while you stare in confusion, "You are L/N Y/N, the Korean-American model! I love your work, can I get a selfie–"

"I'm so..rry, but guy... hel..p. I y-you a sel-selfie af..ter we g-get some h-help." You assure her, holding his head up, "H-he... d3ad.."

"Have you guys been drinking? No worries! I'll keep it our secret! I was about to go on break, but I'll call someone." The nurse checks his pulse & respirations while calling for backup.

"It'll take about ten minutes, is that okay?" The nurse on the other line asks. The present nurse moved Yeong-Gi's hair from his face & her face instantly grew nervous.

"Actually, come right now!"

"Ms. L/N, please explain what happened!" She demanded as sweat formed & swayed. You look down seeing the same guy-- girl? You couldn't tell anymore. The world was spinning and your vision blurred.

That You realized shaking your head so you can become more fluent with your words.

"He wa..lked to m..y Uber a..and su..dd..enly collaps...ed so I to..ok hi..m. h...e m..y..ora..nge" You explain as best as you could.

She shifted his head back onto her lap. Your head became heavy & you suddenly fell back– collapsing on the ground.

"S-she d-dr-drugged him?!"


"Gimme." Y/N holds out her hand as Yeong-Gi glances between the two.

"I already drank some, that's gross." He stated in response. Y/N rolled her eyes and groaned, grabbing a new straw from a cup filled with it.

"I'm thirsty as fuck." She sticks the straw in & proceeds to drink some up making a sour face at the end, "That tastes like shit."

"It has a weird coloring at the top, you think it's expired?" He asks showing the discoloration.

"Wait...Did you just drink from my cup? Why didn't you get your own?!" Yeong-Gi scolds at the kid.

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