Meet The Cousins

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This chapter is just so you know what the cousins look like, so you can, I don't know imagine stuff better? I don't know, but anyway here you go.

1: Annabelle ( Ethan's sister, everyone else's cousin)

Size/age: 5ft, 12yrs

Hair/eye color: Blonde, Blue

(The picture at the top of the screen in Annabelle)

2: Ethan (Annabelle's little brother, everyone else's cousin)

Size/Age: 4ft 2, 9yrs

Hair/eye color: Blonde, Blue

3: Dailin (Ethan, Annabelle, and Samantha's cousin)

Size/Age: 4ft 8, 11yrs

Hair/eye color: blonde, Blue

4: Samantha, Sam for short (Ethan, Annabelle, and Dailin's cousin)

Size/Age: 4ft, 10

Hair/eye color: brown, Brown

5: Natalie, Nat for short (Ethan and Annabelle's cousin)

Size/Age: 5ft, 12yrs

Hair/eye color: brown, Blue

And that's it! The Gia are just animals walking in their hind paws and talking like people. Sorry if this bored you, I promise the other chapters will not be so boring. Also each chapter will have a different cousins picture at the top. You can know who is who by looking at the letter on the shirt. The letter is the first letter of the cousins name. The next chapter will be the story, so don't leave now!

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