Through the fog

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Dallin's POV

                   Once the light comes down to a bearable level, we all gape at Annabelle in amazement. She has changed the tiny, damp room into a GIANT grassy enclosure with a small waterfall spilling into a beautiful pond full of sparking water. Around the enclosure there are many oak trees with a bushy top of perfect leaves. It is perfect, but to our disappointment, there are still heavy walls and a door around the beautiful forest. 

              Annabelle has run over to the enclosure and is beginning to set up a little tin stove over a fire pit. "Hey guys! Come eat some roasted berries!" Annabelle waves is over, and we eagerly approach her. All we've had to eat today is some brown pellet things that tasted like rotten croutons. We thought that they were some kind of old-day dog food. We didn't really know, but whatever they were, they were nasty. These Gia people don't understand what we eat. In case you don't know, we eat nuts and berries, and occasionally eggs or mushrooms. We would say meat, but Annabelle never could kill any kind of animal without crying for a LONG time afterwards. We decided it would just be easier to not eat it at all. 

                       After we washed the little tin plates in the stream, we set up out sleeping bags that we found in place of the bed. Annabelle explained that she didn't know what time it was, but she assumed it was near dinner time, so she set up the sky of the outdoor scene to start at dinner a and continue for them on. 

Annabelle s POV

                     I was laying on my sleeping bag when the paws came. Just laying, and thinking about what it is like to panic. It is strange, how you go in telling yourself you won't do it, won't panic, and then you see it. The needle. There is nothing else in your world but that needle. Terror pierces through your mind, and everything else you think about leads right back to the needle. Think about a pink flower, and then your mind connects pink to red. Red equals blood, and needles make blood. Then you straight back to thinking, 'needle, panic... Needle, panic' Calm down, they say. Stop breathing so hard, they say. But they have never experienced anything like this. The terror pierces your body like nothing else in the world, and you can not stop. It's so impossibly unreal, what happens to the mind and body. 

                     I was deep in thought, when a giant, furry paw came above my face. I was to shocked to speak, and that was a terrible thing. The paw was joined by another, and the paws wrapped around my waist and pulled me up. I was slung over a furry shoulder, and a bushy main lightly scraped across my arm. "Let me go!" I cried as I beat my fists in the back of the Gia carrying me. He ignored me, and I knew he wouldn't understand me anyway. To Gia, human voices sound like a mouse, squeaking and other odd sounds. We can understand the Gia, but they don't know that.

               I was brought to a small room with two other Gias and a small tub with soaps around the edges. I realize what is happening, and my mouth drops open.

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