The Thingy

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Sam's POV

            After waking to find myself in a dark, smelly room, I'm sure you can imagine the WONDERFUL thoughts going through my head. In case you can't, here are some examples; "This is EXACTLY how I wanted to spend my birthday." And, " Oh how kind of them to leave us a DISGUSTING hole that smells like death to crap in! " 

              Bordem. That is what this place is like. Could it of killed them to leave us something to do besides a bucket of baby toys? We have already done everything we could think of. Throw toys at each other. Throw toys at the wall. Throw toys at the door. Throw toys at the giant turtle that came through the door a second ago. Oh yes. Did I forget to mention the WONDERFUL turtle that came in? That guy is really not helping Annabelle calm down. Here's why. Apparently, he thought that it would be a GREAT idea to come in here with a NEEDLE in his hand, when he KNOWS Annabelle is terrified of them! Luckily, he only shoved the needle into the wall before leaving. We quickly covered it with a blanket, but it didn't really help. Right now, Annabelle is in the corner with a blanket wrapped around her. 

 Natalie's POV

      Sam got up and announced "I'm going to get that needle off the wall, if anyone cares to help me." Ethan and Dallin went over to help her with that, while I stayed by Annabelle. After about a hour ( we really don't know, thanks to the lack of a window) she managed to calm down. While Annabelle has a inconvenient phobia for the Gia, it is quite useful for us. She got us out of getting any shots.

             Oh yes, I was not unconscious. I simply faked it to avoid unwanted needles being plunged into my skin. Quite useful, because now I have information about where we are and what is to happen to us. "Can you hand me that block?" Annabelle holds out her hand and I place a wooden block in her hand. She has been working on something for about a hour, refusing to show us what it is. " And... Done! " she turns around and holds up a small contraption that looks like one of the ancient things old humans used to call " 'puter mouses". "Ummm... What does it do?" Asks Sam, holding the needle she pulled from the wall. "First of all, get that death ray away from me, and second of all, it does this!" Annabelle points the contraption at one of the dog bed mattresses and presses a button. There is a flash, and the dog bed is now a normal mattress with sheets and pillows. "I mean, it's nice, but do we really need that?" Asks Dallin. " Come on! So you really think that's all it does? " without leaving time for a answer, Annabelle quickly presses the other button and we cover our eyes as a bright light fills the room. When the light fades, all of us gape in amazement. 


Buh buh bummmm!!!! What is it? You will have to wait until next week to find out! Waha ha! I am evil!

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