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         Life is crap life is lame, life is crrrraaaappppp. After about a week of living with Dominic, I learned only one thing. Life is crap. Don't ask me how other humans deal this the crap we have to go through, but for me it includes; destroying the pen, destroying the pen more, and destroying the pen until it looks like a hurricane hit. Dominic was not thrilled to see that. He yelled for about 3 minutes, decided I wasn't listining, (i wasn't) and put me on the high shelf thingy. If this was supposed to be a punishment. It backfired, because I got to see all my cousins for the first time that day.

Oh, and also I got to see Dominic suffer through cleaning the pen.

That was fun.

I look forward to doing it again.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go destroy my pen again.


Wwndbshuwjdhdhsj dnsnshcddbandjcjdnnejdjdn JSNEWNDNCJHFNFHCHCHCJDNSNDJDJJ! That's what I feel like right now. I feel super angry, and reuse me, when I'm angry, stay far far away. Here is what I did while i was angry; shatter the vanity glass, tear up the artificial grass, and Jack up a bunch of crap using broken glass from the vanity. 

OH, and then I found it.

there was a tablet hidden in the grass

And it had a message.

an important one.

one from another human.


I LIKERS CHEZZZZZZZZZ YEEEEEEEEEE. *clears throat* excuse me. I'm sure you all would like to know why I hadn't updated in, let's say, 5 months or so. Well here's you AMAZING excuse; I'M LAZY. I just didn't feel like it, and didn't know what to say and school and other random excuse crap. ANYWHO... I'll TRY to update better but.... HEhehehehe. You might just have to suffer through it. *Eyes flash red*

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