anti x male Wolf reader

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Anti lay on the sofa bored when Sean walked in "hey anti, I got you a friend" Sean said "I don't want a friend" anti growled, Sean shrugged "guess I'll take that wolf back then" Sean shrugged, anti shot up "WHERE?" he shouted "look in the kitchen" Sean shouted from upstairs, anti ran into the kitchen and saw a wolf with f/c (fur colour) fur and e/c eyes, it stood up and walked over to anti and sniffed him before wagging his tail and licking anti's hand "what's his name?" He shouted "he doesn't have one. You name him" Sean shouted, anti crouched down and stroked the wolf "I'll call you... y/n" he said with a grin.

A few days later Sean walked into the living room to see anti on the sofa asleep with y/n on top of him also asleep, he smiled and walked Into the kitchen before he heard a yawn and y/n padded into the kitchen, he looked at his food bowl then at Sean who smiled and put some meat in y/ns bowl then made himself breakfast, anti padded into the kitchen not long after and y/n ran over to him then licked his hand, anti smiled and pet y/ns head before sitting at the table "food" he mumbled "its on the side, you also need to take y/n out for a walk at some point, he needs to go out" Sean said as he put his empty plate on the side and walked out of the room most likely to his recording room. Anti looked at y/n then pulled a spikey collar and leash out of the shadows, y/n backed away "no. I have to take you out y/n, come here" anti said softly as he Got closer to y/n, y/n backed away before bolting onto the other room. All Sean heard was anti shouting and y/n barking making him chuckle.

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