Chapter 18

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Cade rode towards town. He couldn't believe what his wife just told him. The man he killed was really alive and she was an outlaw. He should have arrested her right on the spot and brought her in. Cade shook his head, he could never do that. He loved her and he couldn't take her away from Amanda. Cade didn't even realize he was a few miles away from town when he saw riders approaching him. He counted 4. He reached for his gun on his hip but didn't have it. Luckily he had his rifle attached to his saddlebag. He casually reached for it and brought it on his lap as he brought his horse to a gallop towards the men.
    Freddie Mac recognized his son-in-law. With a sigh of relief he told the others who the lone rider was.
    When Cade approached, he recognized the MacDonald gang immediately. He raised his rifle.
"Halt by order of the Texas Rangers. Surrender and come in peacefully. You are all under arrest."
    Freddie Mac fought the urge to laugh in his face. "Shit, McKay. We come in peace." Freddie Mac put his hands up but Mark, Luke and Jon all pulled out their guns.
    Cade knew he was outnumbered but he had hoped they would come peacefully. The MacDonald gang were bank robbers, not murderers.
    Freddie Mac turned to his men. "Lower your guns. Sam will skin us if anything happens to him."
    Cade felt uncomfortable having MacDonald use Sam's name knowing he was talking about his wife.
    "It's true then. She really is Sam MacDonald." Cade asked.
    Freddie Mac nodded his head. "So she told ya. Should've done it a while ago. But I ain't here to talk about the past. I'm here to warn ya about Laws. He's comin' with a vengeance."
    "He's dead. I killed him." By now Cade had lowered his rifle and the others holstered their guns.
    Mark spoke up. "I ran into him in Helena. I know what he looks like and I saw him with Mikey Jones."
    "His brother?" Cade questioned.
    "Yeah, we just found out that bit of information a few days ago. Mikey rode with us so he knows about Sam and probably told Roddy that she was still alive. He's hell bent on killing you both."
    Cade felt like he was shot in the stomach. Samantha was in grave danger.
    "McKay, Jones knows about you and Amanda. That means Roddy knows too. We were coming to warn Sam and protect her," Freddie stated
    "That's my job, MacDonald." Cade said with an undertone of a threat.
    "That's so. Then what the hell are you doing out here instead of at the ranch?" Freddie Mac never gave him time to answer. "We risked getting arrested to come back to Proffitt. I'm gonna go protect my kin. You're more than welcome to join us." Freddie Mac kicked his horse and pulled the reins towards the ranch. The others followed along with a reluctant Texas Ranger.

    Samantha was being dragged into the barn by Mikey Jones. He gave a whistle and Roddy Laws came from around the corner. He was holding Amanda.
    Samantha tried to get out of Mikey's grasp. "Let her go. What did you do to Carmen?"
    Roddy snickered. "That little Mexican trash got what she deserved. Trying to stop me from taking this." Roddy lifted Amanda who was crying.
    Samantha gave a whimper. "Roddy, please. I'll do whatever you want but please don't hurt my baby."
    Roddy approached Samantha and slapped her so hard, she fell to the ground. "You made me kill the love of my life. I thought you were dead too until Mikey told me otherwise." He moved his shoulder. "You even shot me, you bitch." Roddy then kicked Samantha. She rolled into a ball to protect herself. Roddy gave the baby to Mikey. "Take this brat and get rid of it."

    "No." Samantha yelled. She tried to get up but Roddy slapped her again. She tasted the blood on her lip.

    Mikey took Amanda out of the barn and rode away. Roddy grabbed Samantha by the hair and pulled her up. He dragged her towards the middle of the barn and tied her to a post. 

    "Now to do with you like I tried to do all those years ago." He lit a match and threw it towards the hay. "I'll watch this barn burn with you in it and wait for your husband to come and kill him also." 

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