Chapter 2

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Six months later

It was a sunny summer morning. The birds were chirping and the leaves on the trees were full and green. The sun shone brightly in her room as she opened her eyes. With a smile, she rolled over and buried her head in her pillow. Freddie Mac and the boys have been gone for three months and she missed them terribly but today she was going to see Robert.

Her Robert. She met him a few days after coming back to Proffitt while at the bank. He worked as one of the tellers and since then he'd been courting her.

Today had to be the day he'd propose. He was such a wonderful man. His sparkling gray eyes drew her the minute she had walked into the bank. His only fault was a slight limp from being kicked by a horse when he was a younger boy but he was perfect for her. Gentle, warm and friendly. His kisses weren't too bad either. Samantha smiled to herself.

A heavy knock on her door broke her out of her happy thoughts. "Samantha?" a soft voice came from the other side. "Are you waking up this morning? Cook has breakfast for you."

Samantha sat up on her bed and threw the covers off of her. "I'll be down in a moment, Carmen."

Samantha hurried down the stairs and with a big smile, strolled into the kitchen.

"You're looking quite cheerful this morning, like the gato that swallowed the canary," Carmen said as she poured Samantha her coffee.

Samantha studied the Mexican girl that Freddie Mac had taken in as the help and as a companion. When she met Robert, Freddie Mac acted like the over protective father. Carmen was a few years older than Samantha with long jet black hair and eyes as dark as coal. Her English was not all that good when she arrived to F&S Ranch but with time, Samantha taught her the basics and also teaching Carmen how to read.

"Whatever do you mean Carmen?"

Carmen gave her an unladylike snort and sat her tiny frame next to Samantha. "Does this have to do with Roberto?"

Samantha couldn't help but smile as she raised her coffee cup to her lips. "Maybe." Cook brought over some delicious smelling bacon and flapjacks. With a smile, Samantha began to eat.

Carmen drummed her fingers on the table. "Out with it."

Samantha smiled again. "Well if you must know." Again Samantha paused and took another sip of coffee. Carmen rolled her eyes and motioned with her hand for Samantha to hurry up. "I think today's the day. Robert mentioned we had to talk today so I guess he's going to propose."

Carmen smiled. "Finally. He's been dragging his feet about this. Do you think you'll both live here or in town?"

Samantha finished her breakfast. "I'm not leaving F&S Ranch ever again. He'll have to live here or not marry me at all." Samantha stood and brought her dishes to the sink.

Carmen pushed her out of the way. "I'll wash those. You go get ready for your hombre."

Samantha smiled and ran up the stairs to grab her bonnet. Quickly looking in the mirror and pinching her cheeks, Samantha ran out of the room but tripped over her old boots. Looking down, she laughed. She'd never again dress like a boy again. Sam MacDonald was finally gone forever. With a kick, they went skidding across the floor and under her bed. By the time she got downstairs, Robert was coming in the front door. She stopped at the last stair and admired him.

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