Chapter 10

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Freddie Mac moved into a little cottage near the main house on the ranch. He brought Lucy to live with him. At first she refused but after putting on the MacDonald charm, she relented.

The months have been passing long and slow for Samantha. She felt like a big barrel. "Look at me Carmen, I'm huge." Carmen laughed at Samantha as she tried to put another dress on her. "This one is too tight also."

"Oh Samantha. It's such a shame that Robert isn't here for you."

Samantha lowered her head, away from Carmen's knowing eyes. Samantha let everyone assume that she had given herself to Robert before the engagement. It just seemed easier than explaining to everyone how she actually slept with her fiancé's brother on the night they buried him. The baby chose at that moment to kick. Smoothing her hand over her swollen abdomen, she smiled. Even though she hated Cade at this moment, she was thrilled that she was going to be a mother. She would make sure this baby was safe and well cared for. The baby already had a loving family with the MacDonald's and even the Miller's. It will make up for growing up without a father. Even though the father was actually alive somewhere instead of being dead and buried.

With help from Carmen, Samantha stood awkwardly and hobbled down the stairs, making her daily visit to Robert's grave. Every day since she returned from the gang, she begged Robert for forgiveness and for his understanding as to why she had to temporarily give up her quest to seek out Laws. As she laid the flowers on his grave, she saw a lone rider come up.

By the time she made her way back to the house, she recognized the horse of Mickey Jones. After all these years, he was back. She walked inside and was greeted by a bloody sight. Mickey was bruised, scraped and bleeding. "What happened?"

Mickey drank the water that was offered while the other MacDonald's came running into the kitchen.

"Shootout," Mickey gasped.

Samantha pulled out a chair, staring hard at Mickey. She never did trust him and she wondered why he was here. "Start from the beginning."

Mickey nodded. "I found Roddy Laws." Samantha sat up straighter in her chair. Samantha felt Freddie Mac place his hands on her shoulders." He went to Acala for a while to recover from your gunshot wound."

Samantha's eyes narrowed. "So he lived. Damn."

Mickey continued. "Followed his gang for a while. He was looking for a Texas Ranger named McKay. He heard how the Ranger wanted him for the death of his brother. Laws got cocky and was telling everyone how he was going to shoot himself a Ranger. Anyway, last month in Pringle, Laws tried to ambush McKay but instead it was a trap.

Samantha tightened her fingers on her lap. If anything happened to Cade she would never forgive herself. Forcing herself to remain calm, she asked for Laws instead.

"I think he's dead."

"You think? " Samantha asked.

Mickey nodded. "Saw McKay shoot him and Laws went off a cliff. No one could survive that. After that I high tailed it back here to tell you the good news."

"How did you find us?" Travis asked suspiciously.

Mickey swallowed hard. "I asked around and figured since Lu was still here, I went to the saloon and they told me she left. One of the girls was more than willin' to oblige with the information after a quick tumble.

Samantha swallowed hard. If Mickey can find the MacDonald's so quickly, who's to say Cade can't either.

"So all this happened last month?" Travis asked.

"Yeah. Had to make sure no one followed me. I don't want anyone knowing I rode with Laws and then came back here with the MacDonald's."

Freddie Mac smiled. Finally this mess with Laws was settled. Sam could now forget about it and worry about being a mother to this child. No more dressing up as a MacDonald and acting like a gunslinger. She was now safe. "Great news, Sam."

Samantha forced a smile. "Of course. Was anyone else hurt?"

"McKay got shot in the arm and his partner in the leg. Nothing deadly."

No one noticed how Samantha turned pale except for Carmen. She narrowed her eyes as Samantha excused herself and went back to her room.

The following morning Samantha woke up with severe back pains. The pain cut through her like a knife making her curl her fist in her sheets and breathe slowly. After a few moments, the pain was gone. Samantha dressed quickly and went downstairs for her morning walk to Robert's grave. Luke and Mark were riding out while Samantha saw Lucy come out and gather some wood before heading back inside the cottage she shared with Freddie Mac. Samantha made a mental note to herself to invite those two over for dinner and talk about marriage again. Those two truly loved each other and Lucy needed a stable relationship. She had been through enough in her young life.

Samantha spoke to Robert for awhile like she always did and grabbed the tombstone for support. As she rose, another pain gripped her. With a gasp, she held on tightly as the pain subsided. Samantha had spoken to Sally a few days ago about childbirth and this was one of the pains she had described.

Samantha headed towards the house. As she entered the kitchen her water broke. "Carmen! Call for Doc Wilson." Another pain hit her as she stumbled towards the kitchen table. Mickey was the first to find her. He carried her upstairs to her room. Carmen came running in, saw what was going on and told Mickey to get Freddie Mac and send Mark to find a doctor. Luke needed to bring Lillian Miller over for some moral support.

Another five hours passed and Samantha was praying for death. She would have rather faced a dozen gunslingers armed with nothing but a broom instead of facing this pain. "Carmen it hurts!"

Lillian moped down her brow as Doc Wilson came in to check on her progress. "It won't be long now Samantha. I wish Robert were here for this."

Samantha rolled her eyes. She didn't need to hear that again. She felt like yelling at everyone to shut up and get this thing out of her. Samantha swore she would never marry or have another child again. Silently she cursed Cade. This was all his fault. He should be here suffering this pain instead of her.

Doc Wilson and Lillian left the room briefly as another sharp pain hit her. "Damn you Cade. I wish I never laid eyes on you."

Carmen swung around to face Samantha. "I knew it. Robert was too much of a gentleman to bed you before the vows."

Samantha propped herself up on her elbows. "Shut up Carmen. You must swear to never let anyone know the truth." Carmen snorted. "Promise me Carmen or I swear when I'm better I'll rope you up and drag you back to Mexico and don't think I won't."

Carmen saw the distress in her eyes and relented. "I tell no one."

Samantha smiled and fell back on the pillows. Doc Wilson entered the room and examined Samantha. He announced it was time to push.

Another hour passed and finally Amanda Eileen McKay was born.

Sweet Texas RevengeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora