Chapter 5

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As Samantha eased her way through the crowd of people in her house, she felt a pair of eyes on her.  Turning she found Cade watching her. His look alone sent shivers through her. Feeling the blush creep to her face, she turned and walked towards Lucy Nichols. Lucy worked at the Lucky Lady Saloon and was Freddie Mac's girl.

                "I'm so sorry, Samantha, I truly am," Lucy started as Samantha approached her, reaching for her hands.

                Samantha thought she would scream if she heard that phrase one more time. Pasting on the smile she had all afternoon, she recited her speech. "Thank you. It was just so sudden."

                Lucy turned her green eyes to Samantha. "Don't give me that bull, Sam. I know you're madder than a wet cat and I know what you're thinkin'."

                Samantha took a quick look to see if anyone had heard them. Cade was across the room, deep in conversation with Sheriff Williams. "You don't know anything, Lu." Samantha's voice held a warning which Lucy chose to ignore.

                "I sent Luke here, remember?" Lucy took a quick look around again and sighed. "Don't do it Sam. I know Freddie Mac is jailed up and that's where he should stay. He's caused enough trouble for the both of us."

                Samantha was surprised at Lucy's tone. She sounded angry with poor Freddie Mac. Maybe she was angry since she hadn't seen him in six months. "Lu, I need to do this. Freddie Mac is like a father to me and doesn't deserve to be in jail. I'm leavin' and there's nothin' you or anyone can do to stop me."

                Lucy gave her an unladylike snort. She knew when Sam fell back on her Texan drawl, there was no fighting her. "Who's that fine lookin' man over by the sheriff with the dark pants on?"

                Samantha knew the look in her eye and didn't like it one bit. "That's Cade McKay," Samantha responded without looking. "He's Robert's brother and the one who brought Freddie Mac and the others in."

                Lucy's eyes looked passed Samantha's shoulder and she smiled. Samantha instinctively knew he was standing behind her, making her heart skip a beat. "Hello," Lucy said.

                Samantha took a deep breath and turned around. He was standing so close; she had to raise her head to look at him. He really was a handsome man. Shaking her head to clear her thoughts, Samantha made the necessary introductions and excused herself. Cade's presence upset her balance.

                Quickly, Samantha walked towards the kitchen and out the back door. Sitting on the steps, she put her head in her hands, sighing. What an awful day. Her life had been turned around again because of that no good Roddy Laws. She should have been planning her wedding, not accepting condolences from everyone in town.  And what was her problem with Cade McKay? Just looking at him made her heart and stomach do funny things. Robert never had that affect on her. Even with his kisses. She cared deeply for Robert but now he was gone. She needed to think about a plan to break out Freddie Mac and her revenge on Laws, not on how handsome Cade looked.

                "Samantha?" came a deep voice in front of her.

                She looked up and her heart lurched madly. Cade stood there looking devilishly handsome holding a book. Brushing her hair from her face, she stood.

                "I know this has been a troubling day for you but I think you should read this." He held out Robert's journal to her. She took it with trembling fingers and read the page he held open for her. It was dated with yesterday's date. With tears in her eyes, she looked up towards Cade. "I just thought you should know how much my brother loved you."

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