Chapter 8

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All four ducked for cover as bullets ricocheted all around them. Sam and Freddie Mac dove behind some boulders while Travis and Luke were behind some trees. The bullets were coming from two directions but it felt like they were surrounded. All four returned fire emptying their guns. As they paused to reload, the smell of gun powder filled the air. Sam wiped the dirt from her eyes so she could get a clear shot. She didn't want to kill anyone but wound them if necessary.

The silence was deafening as they all reloaded.

"Give up MacDonald's. You're completely surrounded."

Sam groaned as Freddie Mac turned to her. "What is it?" he whispered.

"Cade McKay." She knew his voice. Her hands started to shake. The last thing she wanted was for Cade to get shot but she also didn't want her family hurt.

"Drop your guns and come out peacefully."

That voice came from the other direction. It had to be his partner Liam. Sam motioned with her hands to get Travis and Luke's attention. She motioned with her hand to watch one coming from the other side. She told them that there were only two of them.

Luke was the first one to answer. "Go to hell." Aiming towards the voice, more shots were fired.

Sam was biting her lip. None of these men cared if they shot the other but she did. She needed to think of a plan and fast. "Freddie Mac," she whispered above the gunfire. He quickly looked at her. She told him her plan and he forcefully shook his head.

"You stay put. We'll get out of this." Freddie Mac said in a nasty tone.

Sam crouched down. "Cover me." Then she ran around another boulder. Shots followed her but she was quicker. Breathing heavily, she checked her revolver again. She was hoping not to use it but if she needed to she promised herself she would only wound him. Thinking of scarring that magnificent body made her stomach churn. Wiping the perspiration from her brow, she dared to look at Freddie Mac. He was motioning for her to get back. She shook her head and with hand movements told him she was going to circle back and get behind them. Freddie Mac shook his head and pointed his finger next to him, forcefully. He wanted her back right this minute. She blew him a kiss and began shooting as she ran farther away.

Luke saw what she was doing and followed around on the other side.

"Hey McKay. You've got the wrong people," Freddie Mac yelled so Sam could find their position.

"Yeah, I've heard that before," Cade yelled back and answered with a few more gunshots.

Sam heard Cade's voice and forced her legs to move. She didn't want to get too close to him but if this was the only way without bloodshed, then so be it. Sam dropped down to her belly and crawled around until she was behind Cade. Seeing him crouched down behind the boulder made all those feelings come up to the surface again. His tight pants were hugging his round firm butt and his shirt was pulled taunt across his wide shoulders. Any other person would shoot him while he was there but she wasn't a coward or a cold blooded killer. She was just a bank robber. As quietly as possible she stood up and pointed her gun at him while lowering her hat over her eyes.

"Don't move." She purposely disguised her voice.

Cade froze and immediately put his hands up, turning. He recognized the boy from Lajitas that smelled like vanilla but this time he looked a little more ruthless holding a gun on him. "You know how to shoot that boy?" he said in his low drawl that made her knees go weak.

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