Chapter 11

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Samantha rocked Amanda back and forth, nursing her. From a distance she saw a lone rider approaching. Feeling a little on edge, Samantha took Amanda inside and back into her room. Even though Amanda was already one month, Samantha still hadn't told many people about her and was still weary over her string of bad luck.

                Roddy Laws body was never found. It was claimed he fell so deep down the cliff, no one felt it necessary to dig him out.

                Carmen shouted for Samantha from downstairs.

                "I'll be right down." Samantha straightened her dress, looking back at Amanda while she slept. Satisfied that she was safe, she went downstairs and froze on the bottom step.

                "Hello Samantha." He looked as handsome as ever. His left arm was in a sling but he still looked rugged and strong.

                "Cade. What brings you here?" She gave him a hostile glare as her heart beat a double tattoo.

                He stiffened at her question. The hostility was unmistakable. "I need to speak to you." Cade looked from Samantha to Carmen. Carmen smiled and walked into the kitchen. "May I come in?"

                "I'd rather you didn't." Samantha passed him and walked out to the front porch. The smell of vanilla entered his nose and went through him. He missed her.  Now that he was here, how was he going to explain himself?

                Crossing her arms over her ample chest, she faced him. "What do you want?"

                His blue eyes raked over her body. She looked as beautiful as ever but her chest seemed larger. In fact, she looked like she had added some weight. Her hips were fuller and her dress was a little tighter around her midsection.  "I came to apologize."

                "Wonderful. Good day, Mr. McKay." He halted her escape with a firm hand on her arm, "Let go of me."

                "I want to explain why I left."

                She yanked her arm out of his grasp. "I don't care for explanations. You are welcomed to visit your brother's grave but that is all. Never step foot in my house again." She walked into the house and left him standing there.

                He refused to let this end and followed her. As the door slammed shut behind him, Amanda woke up crying. The sound froze Cade in his tracks. The look of horror on Samantha's face was explanation enough. "Is that a baby?"

                "Why Mr. McKay, no wonder you're a Texas Ranger. Your powers of deduction are astounding." Her voice heavy with sarcasm. "Excuse me." She ran up the stairs as he followed her. Samantha picked up the baby and soothed her with her voice.

                Cade stood in the doorway, shocked. "Is she ours?"

                Samantha shook her head. "No. She's mine." Cade took a step forward. "Don't you dare. You relinquished all rights when you walked out on me."

                "Samantha I had no idea." His brows drew together in an agonized expression. "Please." His eyes were pleading. Samantha cursed herself for being weak as she handed the child to Cade. His large right arm engulfed the child and for a moment, Samantha was afraid he would smother her but he held her gently.  His blue eyes softened as he looked at Amanda. "She's beautiful."

                Samantha felt her heart twist. He seemed so gentle and in awe of her. "Her name is Amanda Eileen."

                "Eileen was my mother's name." He dared to look at Samantha.

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