Chapter 15

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Too late Samantha realized her dress was wet. She refused to go back into that room. The room where they just made love, instead of her throwing him out of her house and her life. Quickly buttoning up her dress, she walked down the hall only to be halted by Cade grabbing her and dragging her back into their room.

    "Let me go," she exclaimed as he released her arm.

    "Barbra is in town?"

    Samantha nodded as he raked his hand through his hair. "So it's true?" She held her breath waiting for his answer.

    "She was my fiancée many years ago until she left me for someone older and richer."

    Samantha let out a gasp. Who would leave a man like Cade? She watched him as he reached into one of his saddlebags on the floor. Odd how she didn't notice them when she first walked in. Instead, she noticed Cade, naked in the tub. Shocked at where her thoughts were going, she watched him button his pants and reached for his shirt.

    "Damn, it's ripped."

    Without thinking, Samantha reached into her wardrobe and pulled out one of her old shirts that was always too big for her. She tossed it to him. "Here." The shirt hit him in the chest. She watched as he removed the ripped shirt and slowly put on her shirt. She watched his muscles pull and stretch and suddenly the room got stuffier. She forced herself to look away.

    "Whose is this?" he asked while buttoning the shirt.

    Finally it dawned on her what she had done.  Mentally kicking herself, she thought of a quick lie.

    "My brother's. He left it here the last time he was here."

    "Robert told me you were an only child." He slowly walked towards her.

    "The family that took me in had sons." She slowly raised her eyes to meet his. She could tell he didn't believe her.

    "And his shirt was in your room?"

    "I find out you have a fiancée and you're questioning me?"

    Cade raked his fingers through his hair again. "Don't change the subject."

    Samantha threw her hands in the air, turned and sat on the edge of the bed. "Ask away Texas Ranger. I have nothing to hide."

    He took a deep breath and stared at her intently. "I'm only going to say this once. We are married in every sense of the word. I will not have my wife..." he was at a loss for words.

    Samantha's eyes widen in surprise. "Cade, I have never been with any one but you. It's just a shirt, nothing more. "

    He searched her eyes and found something in them that made him believe her. He approached the bed and squatted down in front of her. He took her hands in his. "I'm back. I'm here to take care of you and Amanda and be a family. No more disappearing without telling you first. Alright?"

    His words grabbed at her heart. She was so tired of taking care of everyone. For once, she wanted to rely on someone else. She nodded her head.

    He stood and pulled her up with him. "Now let's go visit Barbra."

Samantha pulled away.  "No. I'm not going. Besides, I have to change my outfit and feed our daughter."

"I'll wait." He leaned against the wall, crossing his ankles.

She stared at him. "I need to change my clothes."

"I heard you." Still he made no attempt to leave.

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