25: Lindsey's Mystery

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"They're not going to want my help," Lilith White said. She was sitting in the kitchen of the studio apartment she was renting in San Francisco. The city had a large witch community, although she'd kept to herself. She'd kept in contact with Devin. She felt he was her only friend, despite what she'd done to him to draw Peter to her in her anger at him. It had been Devin and Peter that convinced her to help the pack to begin with. And Devin had ultimately saved her life when the guilt of what she had done made her want to die.

"They're going to need you. Everyone in the pack is on a dead pool."


"We're trying to protect everyone on it, but we've failed so many."

"You've seen something, haven't you?"

"I saw a warehouse. Most of the people on the dead pool were there. The warehouse was attacked. They fought back. Everyone there was killed. They're going to die in that warehouse. I've always expected that I would see my own death, but I didn't expect to die in vain."

"What?" Lilith's heart constricted. "You were in that warehouse?"

"This is the first time I've felt like I belong, but I can't let the only people that have ever accepted me despite what I did and what I became to die. And we all will if you don't come. We need you. We need your magic."

"Is this what you meant that night? When you said Beacon Hills and the pack would eventually need me?"

"Yes. I saw you standing side by side with us. I just couldn't see what we were standing against. I think that time has come. Will you help us?"


Scott waited for Rafe at the sheriff's station. They were the only ones there. Scott listened in on his father as he did incident paperwork.

"Preliminary notes on firearm discharge incident," he heard Rafe say and realized he was recording his voice. "Assailant armed with sound-suppressor equipped Walther P88. Having heard the perpetrator's threat and countdown, I made visual confirmation of the barrel of the weapon pressed to the potential victim's head. Determining the danger to be imminent, I felt no other choice but to respond with the use of deadly force."

Scott sighed, hearing the changes in his heartbeat. He knew Rafe would have rather brought him in alive, but killing him saved Lindsey and Stiles, which in turn saved him, Isaac, Kira, and Malia. The event had traumatized Lindsey and she wouldn't talk to anyone but her brother. She had nothing but bad things happen ever since her father forced her into their world. From the moment she saw Isabel in that warehouse, her world and innocence had been shattered. Sean would have given anything to give his sister that innocence back.

Rafe stepped out of Stilinski's office. "Thanks for waiting. I know you're wanting to go home." He stepped up to his son and Scott noticed he had his gun and the bullets in evidence bags. "I'm going to have to drive back to San Francisco tonight. I'll need to do a review at the field office. But I'll be back as soon as I can."

"It's fine, Dad."

"What about you? Are you okay?"

"I am now. It's really not the first time someone has tried to kill me."

"That's not reassuring." Scott gave a half-smile and Rafe looked down at the bags in his hand. "What I did was necessary. Justifiable. You know that, right?"

"You saved Lindsey's life. Just because I choose not to take a life, doesn't mean I'm going to judge you because you had to. Derek, Peter, Isabel, Devin, Malia they've all taken lives."

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