Chapter 3 - A Journey's End...and Another's Beginning (Part 1)

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What happens when it's a three-way biological metacrisis instead of a two-way? Who gets changed, and how? And once the threat of the Dalek's is over, what does the Doctor do with Rose?


The Doctor was illuminated in golden light, regenerating. Suddenly, he put his hands together and pointed them at the glass jar with his hand in it. The regeneration energy beamed out from his hands, pouring into the jar and the hand began to glow. The water in the jar began to bubble. The regeneration energy was absorbed by the hand and the light fades. Scarlett, Captain Jack, Donna and Rose all looked up as the light disappeared. The Doctor stumbled back, out of breath, but still the same person. He breathed heavily, as each of his companion's stared at him in shock. Rose and Donna were still teary-eyed.

"Now then," the Doctor states cheerily, "where were we?" He heads towards the console. Donna stares at him, while Rose and Captain Jack continue to stare at the spot where he has just been standing, stunned.

Scarlett stared at the Doctor and swallowed hard. Doctor? She pushed weakly towards him as he moved towards the hand in the jar and knelt down before it. Are you okay?

I'm brilliant! he cheerily replied, mentally. Then she felt concern wash over him. How are you? Oh, that was painful wasn't it. Oh, I wish I could come to you.

I'm feeling a bit tired. When you began to regenerate it was like – She leaned her full weight against one of the coral columns of the TARDIS – it was like a part of my brain was ripped out—but you're back?

She felt him push an affirmation her way then heard him in her mind one last time. This is going to take a lot of focus, this act, I won't be able to communicate much more.

The Doctor smiled wide at his golden hand in the jar, still glowing with regeneration energy. "There now," he spoke affectionately and then blew away all of the regeneration energy, leaving the hand simply bubbling in the jar. He grinned, then sat up on his knees, his arm leaned on the console, as he looked at the rest of the companions.

"You see!" the Doctor began his explanation enthusiastically. "Used the regeneration energy to heal myself, but soon as that was done I didn't need to change, I didn't want to, why would I? Look at me." He smugly adjusted his tie.

Donna had noticed Scarlett leaning against the column and stepped over to her. She nudged at Scarlett's mind to communicate with her. Their first time since everything had happened outside the TARDIS. Scarlett? Are you okay?

The Doctor continued, noticing out the corner of his eye that Donna was attending to Scarlett. It pleased him to see his best friend showing Scarlett such concern. Especially because he couldn't. He continued his explanation, "So, to stop the energy going all the way I siphoned off the rest into a handy bio-matching receptacle. Namely, my hand. That hand there. My handy spare hand."

Scarlett gave a weak smile to Donna. Oh, I'll be fine. Just need a bit of time. When the Doctor's regeneration began, it was as if a part of my mind was ripped away suddenly, before reappearing moments later. A bit jarring, that's for sure.

He stood up then and addressed Rose, "Remember, Christmas Day, Sycorax? Lost my hand in a sword fight. That's my hand." He paused a moment, then smiled at her. "What do you think?"

Donna frowned at Scarlett. Why isn't he checking on you? Surely, he knows what's going on?

Scarlett signed mentally. We—talked—he can't, it would make Rose too suspicious.

Meant to Be (TARDIS Family Adventures: Part 1)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang