Chapter 5: Questions of the Future

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They were all leaned back, reclined on the sofa and big overstuffed arm chairs in the library on board the TARDIS. Jack had commandeered the largest of the arm chairs, the Doctor sat in the one opposite him. Both chairs were a deep brown soft leather, the arms large and overstuffed.

Jack observed had observed some sort of mental interaction between the Doctor and Scarlett as they entered the room and found their seats. Now, despite there being plenty of room on the matching sofa, next to Jacob and Donna, Scarlett had balanced herself precariously on the right arm of the Doctor's chair. She had somehow managed to cross her legs up under her and remain balanced, despite her knees jutting out quite a bit from the edges—all the while holding a steaming hot cup of tea—proving to Jack that Teni must have good balance.

And while Jack was making observations, he also noted that Jacob and Donna, happened to be sitting just the right distance away from each other. Yes, he was sure neither of them had a clue yet as to what was starting to happen between the two of them, but he could sense it. Could be a slow burn, he thought to himself. Of course, they would be probably be appalled at his analysis, but if there was one thing he was good at, it was love and attraction.

Which led him back to the two sitting directly across from. Why didn't Scarlett sit on the sofa next to Jacob & Donna? There was plenty of room. Something between the two of them, too, I believe. I wonder what that mental conversation was about before she found her seat, he thought to himself.


...Twenty minutes earlier...

Scarlett had brought up the rear of the group as they walked into the library, each carrying their own tea. She balanced a tray with snacks in her left hand and her tea in her right. She set the tray down on the table between them all, then started to move towards the seat next to Donna when the Doctor nudged her mind. Please sit near me. After everything we've been through today—I don't think I want to be too far away from you right now—please. She glanced up at him and there was a faint look in his eyes, he was trying to hide it, but she could see hopefulness. She smiled and settled herself on the arm of his chair. Thankfully, she thought, they were rather large and cushiony, so it wasn't too uncomfortable.


After they had settled in, Donna looked at Scarlett, "When do you have to go back to Teni?"

Donna noticed that with her question, the Queen's jaw tensed momentarily before she let out a breath and spoke, "I've spoken with my brother—the Prime Minister. I'll be headed back after a night's rest tonight. As soon as I return in the morning, we'll be going immediately into a private meeting with the Elders to determine the next course of action."

"You mean, the next course of action after the attack?" Donna questioned.

"Well, that too. But I mean to say, after my—" she paused, coming up with the appropriate word, "—after my change," Scarlett clarified.

Donna was confused, and questioned, "What does that have to do with anything?"

"It has quite a lot to do with many things." Scarlett began to explain, "But the simplest explanation of Teni royalty is: my ability to remain the Queen has rested on the fact that I was the last of what was considered a "pure Teni." The royal family has always been of pure blood line. Our family can be traced all the way back to the beginning of the Teni people. When other families chose to have families with other compatible races, the royal family remained pure to the Teni bloodlines. I'm the last. Prime Minister Balen is my half-brother, considered by the old traditions to be only 'half-pure.' Now that I'm a Time Lady, I am biologically no longer a pure Teni." She glanced at the Doctor, then back to Donna and sighed. "I can no longer be Queen."

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