Chapter 19: Shiny New TARDIS

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Two days later after their meeting with UNIT, the Doctor, Jacob, Donna, and Scarlett, sat in the Torchwood Hub at a table with Jack, Ianto, and Gwen. Chinese take-away containers were strewn throughout the table.

Gwen shook her head in disbelief. "I still can't believe UNIT refused your help."

"I have a long history with UNIT, I would have hoped most of it was good enough for them to accept my help. But apparently after the mix-up with the Daleks, the current leadership isn't feeling so warm and cozy with me," the Doctor explained, then sighed.

"We can still help," Donna insisted.

"What do you mean?" the Doctor asked.

"We don't need UNIT's help to travel around the world and help people. The TARDIS will be ready soon, right? We'll take the TARDIS, we can find the places that UNIT isn't getting to fast enough—go there, and help. UNIT will throw aide at the big cities first, so we go to the small ones."

The Doctor grinned. "Donna Noble, you are brilliant!"

Just then, the door alarm sounded, and they heard the lower door rolling open. They all turned, and Jack jumped up from where he sat and looked down from their second-floor view just as two people entered. "Martha Jones! Mickey Smith!"

The pair was soon headed up the stairs to where the group had been seated eating their meal. Everyone got up to welcome them and give hugs.

"So, what brings the two of you here?" Ianto questioned as they pulled up two more chairs and made room for them.

Martha looked at Mickey, then back at the group. "I quit UNIT."

"You what!?" Donna barked out in shock.

"I quit. I wasn't happy with their treatment of you the other day. I talked to Mickey, and we decided to go freelance. So, here we are, freelancing." Martha looked at the Doctor. "Whatever you're planning, we want in."

"Who said we were planning anything?" The Doctor tried his best to look innocent.

"C'mon Doc, we all know you do not take 'no' for an answer," Mickey interjected.

"Well-" the Doctor drew out his answer. "Okay, so maybe we were just discussing something that resembled a plan."

"Hah! I knew it!" Martha slapped her hand on the table in excitement.

"Ooh, ooh, ooh—" The Doctor started bouncing in his seat and pulled his jacket front away from his chest. "Hot, hot—" He then reached into the inner pocket and pulled out a glowing key and a grin spread across his face. "Hah! She's done! Right on time!" He jumped up and went running down the stairs; everyone except Gwen and Ianto following close behind. They just looked across the table at each other and shrugged before each took another bite of their food. They were beginning to get used to the running that seemed to be involved with anything to do with the Doctor.

As the rest of the group ran across the square, following the Doctor towards the TARDIS, he yelled out, "She finished faster than I expected! Must be all that Rift energy!"

He skidded to a stop just in front of the door, everyone else just a few steps behind him. He patted and stroked the side of the ship. "There you are, beautiful, are you ready to show off?" There was a thrumming sound and the light on top of the ship flashed a few times.

Donna rolled her eyes, "C'mon Doctor, stop stroking her and get the door open!"

The Doctor put the key in, turned it, and the door pushed open quietly. "Ah, no squeak, I liked the squeak." He frowned for a moment, then grinned again as he looked further in. "Oh look at that, you beautiful thing you." He stepped in and walked up the now steeper ramp. The main floor of the room was now higher, allowing easier access from the side walkways to get under and perform maintenance. The round lights on the wall were smaller but grouped in clusters of four. 

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