Chapter 11: Their Story Revealed

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"...Thank you all for your patience as we move into this time of restoration for our people and our planet."

As the announcement ended, Jacob shut off the screen on the TARDIS console and turned. Jack was standing by the jump seat, and Donna was in the seat next to where Jacob had been. "Well, that seemed to go well," Jacob said.

"Yeah, I can't believe she talked the Doctor into being on camera." Jack shook his head in disbelief.

"Balen was actually the one who insisted. He said it was important for the Teni people to understand we were here to help," Donna answered. "How do you think people will take the part about the transfer of power?"

"Well, it all went through proper channels as far as their government is concerned," Jacob responded. "I'm sure there will be naysayers, but in the end, the people voted in Balen as Prime Minister with an overwhelming majority, so they can't scoff at his leadership too much."

"And what do you think about them not saying why they acted on this plan now? You know, her being a Time Lady now?" Jack asked.

"Balen said they had been working on this plan for over a year. It's not as if they suddenly had to whip this together when she came back to Teni with the ability to regenerate. It may have been the catalyst to finally make it happen, but it had been a long time coming."

"It sure does explain why she was so dodgy with us when we got upset about them removing her from power," said Donna. "It's what she really wanted all along. They needed a change in government and this gave her a reason to bow out gracefully."

"Yeah, and a way to be with the Doctor." Jack grinned.

Jacob shook his head. "I don't know that it's for us to figure out what would have happened between the two of them had the metacrisis not occurred, giving her the opportunity to step down as Queen and live a 'normal' life—"

"Hah! If she thinks life with the Doctor will be normal, she's got another thing coming to her!" Donna chuckled.

Before they could continue, the TARDIS door swung open and the Doctor came stomping in, pulling at his tie to loosen it. "I still don't understand why your brother had to have me up there like that," he whined. "I felt like a— like a piece of meat, on display for the whole world to see. I wasn't even given anything to say."

Scarlett was hot on his heels, stepping in quickly behind him, causing the companions to look at each other with concern. She wasn't wearing the outer dress robes they had seen her in on screen, she must have quickly changed into more comfortable clothing, or been wearing it under the robes. She wore a light purple linen wrap shirt and tan loose-fitting linen pants.

"Doctor, you know Balen only wants my people to see your presence in a positive light. He wants them to know you are here to help," she argued.

He then pulled the tie completely off and threw it onto the console. Then he then began his, 'I'm doing something important with these switches, not just ignoring you' routine.

She gave him an exasperated look and reached out, grabbing his arm to stop him. "And maybe, just maybe, he was thinking about the future. Balen wants to be sure the people of Teni trust you as much as he does. As much as -I- do." She left lots unspoken in that statement, but just wanted him to see, if they were to have a future together, it would have to be with him on friendly terms with her people.

He finally stilled his movements, glancing down at her hand on his arm, then back up at her. He then turned his body fully towards her, away from the console, his face visibly calming. "Really? You think that's why?"

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