Chapter 16: Goodbyes and Hellos

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The Doctor and Jacob sat side by side, wearing their best pinstripe suits. Jacob was even in a shirt and tie instead of a more casual t-shirt that he preferred. Donna sat at Jacob's other side, wearing her purple Pompeii dress, one of her favorites. Jack was in his usual attire, complete with his trench coat, but like the others, his clothing looked especially clean and crisp. The TARDIS had ensured that all their clothing was at its finest for this occasion.

They had been given seats on the front row, alongside dignitaries, who had traveled from planets all over for the occasion. The Elders sat on stage just behind the place where the transfer of power ceremony was taking place. There were thousands in attendance. Cameras were almost as numerous as the Royal Guards who lined the area. The cameras provided a live feed to those from all over the planet who couldn't be at the ceremony.

The Doctor was sure this was the most stately he had ever seen Scarlett. Both she and Balen were in attire that had been designed and created especially for this event. He marveled at her as she gave her final speech as Queen. He glanced over at the three people who sat to his side, then back up at Scarlett. How had he been this lucky? He wasn't sure of the answer, but he wouldn't take it for granted. He felt a familiar surge of excitement in his body. Soon they would be back on the TARDIS and once again she'd be pulling them through the Vortex, on to their next destination: Earth.


Donna watched the Doctor and Jacob walking around the console of the TARDIS, preparing her for her first flight in almost six months. Jack's legs were sticking out from under the grating down below as he made adjustments. The days had been long, but when she looked back, it really had felt like their time on Teni had flown by. But the lack of movement for the TARDIS meant making some tweaks and ensuring she was ready before the Doctor pulled the lever and sent them into the vortex.

"How long till Scarlett's on board?" Donna asked the Doctor.

He didn't look away from the screen where he was closely monitoring the TARDIS' energy output levels. "Soon. She's got one last private meeting with Balen and the Elders before she can leave. I've already set up Balen with a direct communication method to the TARDIS, should he need to reach her in emergency. She already had some personal belongings brought on board yesterday." He flipped a couple switches on the console then glanced back to the screen.

"Doc, I really think we should do a quick test trip into the vortex," Jack interjected.

"And I already told you—I am not moving this TARDIS from this spot until Scarlett is on board. The last time I left her here, I almost lost her for good. We could say we're going for five minutes and it turn into fifteen years. No, we can make a test trip once she is on board, not before. The very reason you want a test trip is the reason I refuse to make it before she's here." The Doctor glared down at Jack who had slid out from under the console.

"Alright, Doc. I get it." Jack held up his hands placatingly.

Before Jack could slide back into place he watched as the Doctor's eyes moved to stare at the TARDIS door. "She's here." The Time Lord straightened himself up, running his hand through his hair. "Come on, everyone, time to say goodbye to Teni."

The Doctor was the first one out of the TARDIS, the other three following. Scarlett stood about ten feet away, speaking quietly to Balen. When they heard the door open, they both turned their attention there. The Doctor came forward to stand in front of Balen and the two grasped each other in a handshake. "Balen, thank you again for your hospitality these past six months. And for—everything else."

"And thank you Doctor for all you and your team did for the Teni." He paused, then squeezed the Time Lord's hand a bit harder. "Just don't forget our earlier conversation..."



Scarlett stood in the Citadel library, an aide fiddled with her gown and robes, adjusting her hair, fussing over her as they prepared for the ceremony that was to occur within the hour. She was distracted, however, watching Balen and the Doctor who were deep in conversation out on the balcony. The Doctor had come in earlier, requesting a 'quick' conversation with Balen. However, almost a half hour had gone by and the two still stood out on the balcony, behind closed glass doors. At times she saw the conversation was rather animated, at other times it appeared they were almost whispering. She furrowed her brow, thinking through all the possible topics of conversation. Her eyes widened as she watched the conversation end in a handshake, and then even wider as the two men quickly hugged each other.


"I haven't forgotten." The Doctor bowed his head reverently towards Balen a moment.

Balen said goodbyes to the rest of the TARDIS team, thanking each of them individually for their part in helping the Teni. Lastly, he and Scarlett embraced. "Goodbye, sister."

"See you later, brother. I'll be back to visit."

He nodded and they hugged one last time.

Before turning away to the TARDIS, the Doctor looked towards Scarlett and smiled wide. "Ready?" He then reached out his hand towards her.

She nodded excitedly, and for the first time, without looking around to see who might be watching, without hesitation, she reached out and took his hand.

Balen then watched as the four Time Lords and their eternal friend stepped off Teni ground and onto the TARDIS one last time.


On the TARDIS, Scarlett's smile couldn't be contained. She looked around as if seeing the ship for the first time. She rubbed her hand over the closest coral strut in greeting to the ship and felt it warm under her hand in reaction.

"Alright everyone, we're going to make a group effort of this flight. Might especially need it for this first trip. All of you have received the knowledge of how to pilot the Old Girl, and I need you to use every bit of that knowledge now. We're going to take it slow and bring her into the vortex. We'll stay there for a while to get her bearings before we make our way back to Earth."


"Ianto! They're back!" Gwen Cooper yelled across the Hub to Ianto Jones, who was picking up the mess left behind after the Dalek's intrusion and the massive earthquake from the whole planet being dragged back across space. Ianto ran over to Gwen's side to see the camera view of TARDIS sitting right above the Hub in it's regular parking spot. The two grinned at each other before running out the door.

It was late afternoon when Jack stepped out of the TARDIS, just in time to be almost tackled in a hug by his two teammates. "Well hello to you, too!" He grinned and placed a kiss on each of their foreheads. "First, tell me, how long has it been?"

"It's only been two hours since the TARDIS dragged us back into orbit," Ianto answered.

"Hah!" Jack cheered. "You hear that, Doc! We did it!" Jack yelled over his shoulder into the open door of the TARDIS." 

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