Chapter 20: Earth

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The TARDIS landed safely back in Cardiff and Martha stuck her head out the door, then back in. "I can't believe you really did it, you managed to actually land us back exactly where and when we were supposed to."

"Oh, ye of little faith, Martha Jones! I've told you before that the TARDIS goes precisely where and when she needs to," the Doctor defended himself and his ship.

"Of course, it doesn't hurt that with four pilots things can be a bit precise," Donna added with a grin.

"Yes, but if the TARDIS wanted to go somewhere or somewhen else, she could have fifty pilots and I'm fairly certain she'd still go where she wanted," Jacob added, and the ship thrummed and faded the lights momentarily in agreement.


Later the team was back in the Hub, all huddled around various computer screens. Most of the team was going over reports from around the world, determining their plan for where they could be of best use.

Scarlett sat alone at a desk, pouring through information about Earth, learning as much as she could as quickly as she could. Historical, geographical, economic, and political – she wanted to have a base level of knowledge before venturing out with the team.

The plan was complete, a list compiled of the locations they would visit to help repair damage done by the Daleks, and because of the earthquakes and odd weather that occurred during and after the relocation of Earth.


The team spent the next six months traveling via the TARDIS to different locations around the planet. The Doctor, Jacob, Jack, and Mickey worked to repair wells, power plants, vehicles, and buildings. Martha did what Martha was meant to be doing all along, she healed people, with medicine and skill. It was a breath of fresh air for her after working with UNIT. Scarlett and Donna assisted Martha and the men when and where needed.


The TARDIS touched back down in the Plass in Cardiff for the first time in six months. Gwen and Ianto were waiting with smiles. They had been helping coordinate efforts from the Torchwood Hub as well as guarding and keeping an eye on the Rift. The whole group had gathered back around the table they had been at when they first hatched their plan, once again eating Chinese take-away.

"Jack, can I see you for a moment?" the Doctor asked from across the table, standing and walking towards Jack's office.

Jack's left eyebrow perked up, but he stood from his seat and followed the Doctor in. Once he was inside, the Doctor grabbed Jack's wrist. "Seems to me, I made a promise to you." He raised up Jack's wrist with one hand, pulling out his sonic with the other. "I'm sure you would have used your own sonic to try and figure this out on your own after I left, anyway."

"You really trust me with it again?" Jack smiled at the Time Lord.

"Jack, what have you done in the past year we've spent together, if not gain my trust?" The Doctor stopped what he was doing a moment and glanced up over his glasses at Jack, then started working again. "Not that you needed to, I should have trusted you long before that."

"I don't know, Doc. You were probably right not to trust me with this thing functional there for a while. I got it working that one time to make it to the Crucible, using Martha's codes. I promise, Doc, I'll only use it for good and worthy causes."

The Doctor smirked as he finished. "Mmmhmm, the question is, how many beings will you determine to be 'good and worthy causes'?" Jack grinned, but the Doctor grew serious as he let go of Jack's wrist, having finished repairs. "There's one condition."

Jack's eyebrows furrowed. "What's the catch?"

"I've connected it to the TARDIS. I can contact you via it, by sending coordinates directly to the device. You'll be able to tell if they're from me. And—" The Doctor's face grew even more solemn. "If there's ever a serious emergency, the TARDIS will send you a homing signal. If for some reason the four of us—" He nodded his head towards the group, meaning himself and the three other Time Lords. "—are ever incapacitated, the TARDIS will contact you with coordinates to her location. Essentially, Jack, you're my emergency contact."

Jack was truly honored to have been trusted so much by his friend. He stood tall, stiffened his body, and saluted the Doctor, "An honor, sir."

The Doctor rolled his eyes and pulled Jack into a quick hug. "Argh, stop saluting me, please. Now come on, it's time for my family to be moving on."

They looked out and saw that the others were already standing and hugging each other. Those staying on Earth saying goodbye to those who would be leaving on the TARDIS. "Where you headed, Doc?"

The Doctor grinned. "I was thinking we might let the TARDIS pick. She's behaved so well lately, I think she might deserve it."

"Oh, an adventure then. I look forward to hearing about it." Jack returned the smile and they walked out to join the group.

"I'm sure Donna will text you pictures or whatever it is she does with her phone." The Doctor waved his hand loosely in Donna's direction.

Donna rolled her eyes at the Doctor. "All those brains, all the technological expertise, but you can't figure out texting, Spaceman?"


The Doctor, Scarlett, Donna, and Jacob sat in their pilot's chairs around the TARDIS console. The Doctor wiggled in his seat, still not used to piloting the TARDIS from this new position. "So, it's agreed then, we're going to let the TARDIS decide our next destination?" The Doctor grinned and the three others around the console mirrored it, nodding excitedly. "Alright then. Donna, is there a 'random' button or something over there?"

Donna typed a bit, rolling the mouse ball that was mounted into the console and clicking. "TARDIS' choice has been selected. The Old Girl is in control."

"Alright then, everybody hold on tight!" The Doctor flipped up the main lever, which of course was at his station, and shouted, "Allons-y!"


(This brings us to the end of Meant to Be, Part 1 of what is now the TARDIS Family Adventures. I hope you've enjoyed getting to know Scarlett, her home world, and her adventures with the Doctor, Jacob (his duplicate), and Donna. I already have some plans for Part 2! Hopefully it will start soon!)

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