Chapter 13: Teni

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A/N: This is what I would consider a more "boring" chapter, but it needed to be done for the sake of continuity and storyline continuation. I think we might start moving pretty fast in time for a chapter or two so that we can get to the fun bits post-reconstruction on Teni. What would you like to see, readers?


As the passengers stepped onto the transport vessel they found that it seated 12 passengers, plus the two pilots. The passenger seating was in 3 rows, with two seats on each side of a center aisle. Each row of seats was slightly elevated higher than the ones in front of it, so that each passenger had a good view of what was ahead and to each side. Balen and Scarlett were seated together at the front left, with the Doctor and Jack seated across from them (with Scarlett and the Doctor across the aisle from each other). Jacob and Donna sat behind Jack and the Doctor. Other individuals whom the guests from the TARDIS did not recognize filled into the other seats.

Once everyone was seated, Scarlett stood and turned to the group and said, "Thank you all for joining us today. While this tour was initially planned simply to show our guests the beauty of our planet, it was quickly determined that this was the perfect opportunity to survey the planet and prioritize our greatest needs as we recover."

Scarlett went on to make introductions. She introduced the Doctor and the companions, describing their individual expertise. She then introduced those they didn't recognize: two Elders and two of Teni's leading experts in the fields of medicine and agriculture. The remaining two seats were filled by Chief Randu and Jana of the Royal Guard.


Before they took off, the co-pilot gave Donna a brief tutorial on the use of the on-board computer system. She had already been set up with her own security access. The back of the seat in front of her had a built-in screen and with a touch of the hand, a keyboard interface had appeared in front of her to use for note-taking. For a moment, she heard her mother's voice in her head, Once a temp, always a temp.

As if he sensed her momentary doubt, Jacob turned to her and smiled as he spoke in her mind. You're brilliant, you know that, right? There's not a person on this planet who can do what you do. You are so much more than just a temp.

Donna smiled and felt herself blush. Were you listening to my thoughts?

Nope. Even if her head, he popped the 'p.' Just an observation.

They smiled at each other again before she turned back to the screen.


Scarlett had made her way back to her seat and Donna's introduction to the Teni computer system was complete, so Balen nodded to the pilot who was awaiting his go-ahead. He and the co-pilot began flying the ship up and away from the launch pad.

"First, we'll be flying through Citadel City, you'll see that most of the damage to the planet was done here, as this is the most heavily populated area," Balen announced as the ship began moving through and then above regular traffic into its own special lane.

Scarlett noticed out of the corner of her eye that the Doctor's fingers were tapping at the armrest of his seat. Doctor, is something wrong? His hand stilled.

Er, no, sorry. Just—it's the whole distance thing. Not being able to hold your hand. Sorry, it's silly. The Doctor stared out into the city as they flew through.

I understand, Doctor. Perhaps a bit of distraction will help. Scarlett looked over at Balen. "Balen, can we get a closer look at the central power grid?" She then turned her attention back towards their guests. "The Citadel is on its own, highly secure, power grid. We thought the city power grid was secure enough as well, but damage was done, nonetheless. To avoid long term power failure, alternating sections of the power grid must be shut down intermittently, until repairs are made. Doctor, this is one of the many projects I'd like you and Jacob to help with."

Sure enough, the thought of repairing equipment was distracting enough to the Doctor. He and Jacob began discussing the project.


What followed was, in Donna's opinion, one of the most spectacular things she had ever seen. Despite the damage done by the Daleks, there was still so much beauty to be seen on the planet Teni. There were a few major cities on the land mass, but it was primarily made up of farm lands and small villages. Donna was taken aback by the blend of such advanced technology with such love for the earth and nature. Scarlett and Balen explained that on Teni, they tried to maintain a balance of the benefits of using technology without becoming reliant on it.

"For example, we use various machinery and technology to help cultivate our land for farming, but our hope is to never rely on replication technology as our sole source of food," Balen explained.

As they toured, Donna took note of the specific needs that were pointed out by various passengers on the ship. She made her own special notations to help with the prioritization process that would occur later.

She enjoyed the beauty of the locations they visited but stayed focused on her work. It wasn't until they finished their tour of the land sites that she found herself totally distracted.

"Begin underwater conversion," the pilot ordered the co-pilot.

After pressing several buttons, a mechanical sound could be heard from the hull of the ship. "Underwater conversion complete, ready for submersion."

Donna gasped as they suddenly began their descent down into the water. Suddenly they were surrounded by water, various schools of fish and other sea life swimming around them.

"This is amazing!" She exclaimed out loud and a broad smile came across Scarlett's face.

Even underwater there was a line of traffic underneath them. Donna briefly wondered where they were headed until ahead of her appeared a large underwater city that seemed to be surrounded by a giant bubble.

"There are five major underwater cities on Teni. Thankfully they suffered less damage than those on land. While the Daleks can go underwater, it would seem it isn't their preference. Although, no doubt they would have found their way here had you all not taken care of them when you did," Balen explained.

"Had they not taken care of them, nothing would be here," Scarlett reminded him, and he nodded solemnly.


They arrived back at the Citadel almost eight hours later. Toilets were available at the rear of the ship, so minimal breaks were needed. Their only break on the ship had been hours ago when they stopped for lunch with the Elder representing one of the underwater cities.

"Just wait till I tell Gramps that I had lunch in an underwater city!" Jack smiled back at Donna as she bubbled over with excitement as she spoke. They talked about what they had seen on the tour while walking behind the Doctor and Jacob, who were already chattering back and forth about plans for some of the repair work.

They were all following Scarlett and Balen, who guided them to a 'war room' of sorts.

"Donna, this room is yours." Balen handed her a tablet and she recognized that it was a part of the same system she had already learned to use on the ship. "You can work remotely from this device, or from any of the main terminals throughout the Citadel. All you have to do is provide your handprint identification and it will pull up your data and allow you access to anything else you need."

Donna looked around the room, the walls were all filled with giant screens that went almost to the ceiling. Around the base were terminals, twelve of them, each with a smaller screen. In the center of the room was a large conference table. "When you say the room is mine—"

"For as long as you need it, consider this your office. I can provide whatever personnel you need to assist you."

Jacob leaned over and nudged her elbow. "See, told you—so much more than a temp."

"Quite right," the Doctor agreed with a smile as he stepped over to the other side of Donna.

"Right, well then. I'll need some time to go over my notes—" Donna stopped to take a breath and consider the work ahead of her.

"Might I suggest after dinner?" Scarlett took advantage of her pause to speak. "It's been a long day, let's have dinner first, rest a bit. Then you can have a few hours and we'll reconvene to discuss your recommendations and settle on tomorrow's plans before we all turn in for the night."


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