Jughead Part 1

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"Y/N Are you ok. You look happy but..... Down," Jughead said. "I-Im fine. Its Just this boy who I like probably don't like me. I can tell it's easy," You said. "Who is this boy." Jughead said. You felt your heart skip a beat and you almost choked. "N-no one," You said. Standing you grab your bag and make your way to the girls bathroom. Only to hear someone throwing up. "Hello.. who's there," you asked. Wanting to know the answer. "Y/N is that You," She asked. I immediately knew who it was. "Cheryl.... You ok in there." You asked. "No. Does it look like;" she said coming out. You helped Cheryl clean up. "Cher. Do you want me to buy you water. Milkshake or anything," you asked. Kindly. "Umm. I would live something but my mother... She doesn't let me eat. I don't know why?" Cheryl told you. "One day won't hurt come on," you told her. Grabbing her arm you pulled her out. "Vanilla milkshake 10 burgers. 3 baskets of fries and 1 salad." Cheryl said. "Geez... Cher... your turning into me," Jughead said. You all laughed. The night flew by you Cheryl and jughead laughing until this pink haired girl came in. Cheryl looked at her and smiled. The girl smiled back. She started coming to us. "Hi I'm new. I'm Toni Topaz any recommendations, of food," Toni said. "Sit please. Jughead will be one to tell you. Burgers fries and chocolate Milkshake," you said. Moving next to Jughead. "Hi I'm Cheryl," Cheryl introduced. "In Veronica." "Im Jughead," we introduced. "Hey Forsythe." You said turning to Jughead. He give you a shut up look. "Forsythe. Cool name." Toni said. "Someone developed a crush," Cheryl laughed. "Excuse me." You said walking outside. You bumped into someone who carried something large.

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