Archie Part 2

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You turned to a toilet door that had blood spilling out from it. You ran to the diner. "Archie come," you told him. Taking him in the girls toilets you open the door. There is a man standing with a mask and a girl shot in the stomach laying in the floor. Looks like you've seen her before. You think it's Midge. You turn to see her face and yes it's Midge. You and Archie take her to the hospital. When you realised something. "Arch, we left Jughead at that unsafe diner," you said. You got out of the car and walked the 3 mile walk back to the diner. Jughead still sitting in the booth. You went to the booth and helped him. He got stuck. "Look. Your probably don't like me but I'm sorry l," you told him. He smiled. No one ever said sorry after being mean to him. "Quick.. Jug before the man in the hood comes out from the toilet." You told him. Grabbing your phone and stop recording it. You grabbed your bag and ran out of pops to catch up with Jughead. You seen a familiar car come by. "Archie," you screemed. The car stopped by you and Jughead. You both hopped in. "Where's Midge," you asked. "I took her to the hospital. I'm not family so I can't go in but I feel bad she has no one there with her." Archie said. "If you drive fast someone would be there with her," you told him. He laughed. You looked at Jughead who was looking sad. "Jug are you ok," You asked. "Yeah just a little cut that's all," he said. You looked at it. It wasn't just a cut. "When did you do that?" You asked him. "When the gunshot went off. My hand was on the window. And the window broke. If you realised no window. And then it got caught when we had to duck." He said. You hopped in the back to help him. You wrapped up his hand in your Cardigan. He quietly thanked you. But the cat heard it. Archie gave Jughead a 'shes mine' look."It looks like Archie is getting jealous."

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