Jughead Part 4

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"Stay with us Jug. It's just the beginning," Kept on repeating in your head. Tears rolled down your cheeks. The heart rate started. You looked at it and smiled. "Y/N," Jughead said. You smiled and hugged him. You pecked his lips and you could feel a smile form on his face. You ran to the others. You smiled.  "JUG IS BACK," You excitedly screamed. Everyone in the hall way looked at you. "OMG Y/N That's so amazing." Cheryl said. They followed behind you. You sat next to Jug and layed your head on his chest. "Forsythe Pendleton Jones III. I love You," You said. Wishing it didn't come out. "Y/F/N Y/L/N. I love you too," Juggie said. You smiled and kissed his cheek. "Y/N Why are you here," your mom said coming in. "Mom. I'm here with Jughead,: you told her. She nodded and walked out. She never really cared what you were up to. She just didn't want you to get hurt. Until....

A few days forward
"Y/N GET UP FOR SCHOOL. YOUR GOING. NO MORE SEEING JUGHEAD. I WILL DO ANYTHING TO STOP YOU," Your mom screamed at you. You groaned. Got up and got ready and left. You saw Veronica on the way. "Hey V," you said. No expression at all. "What's wrong. Tell me Y/N/N," V told you. You look at her. Tears forming your eyes. "My mom won't let me see Jughead. She also said that I have to stop seeing him and she'll make sure if it or something like that." You said. Suddenly the doctor rang you. The same one who was with Jughead. You answer. "Put it on loud speaker." V said. You did. "Im afraid I have bad news. Jughead had a problem. He stopped breathing this morning." The doctor said. "O-ok. Thanks for telling us," You said. The doctor hung up. You sobbed into Veronica's chest. You went to school. Cheryl Toni Kevin and Archie walked up to you. "What's wrong," They all said. "Jughead. H-He," you started to sob again. You felt arms around you. "He stopped breathing this morning." V finished for you. "Any idea how," Archie asked. "Well. There is in possible. But I didn't think of it before now." You said. "Well what is it." Cheryl asked. "MY mother. Sh-She said earlier. I have to stop visiting him. She also said she'll do anything to stop me." You said through sobs. "The only thing is," Toni said. "How far would she go,"

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