Archie Part 1

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You walked in pops and saw Archie. "Y/N come here is like you to meet my friend," He said. You walk up to him. "Friend what friend," You said in one breath. He pointed to a certain beanie wearing boy. He was kinda cute. But you had feelings for Archie. "I've seen him but have never said a word but move to him," you said. You was a bully of him. But it was all Cheryl who made you like that. "I've been a complete bully to him Archie," You said. "You just said you only said 'move' to him." Archie told you. You nod. "I have but I've always budged my way passed him and pushed him. Shoved him into lockers. I've been not my self lately." You said. Archie looked at you. "You see, I know this girl very kind, pretty, she's my dream girlfriend. She would go and say sorry to him and would quit a gang when she's ready. She would always make a wrong right," Archie said smiling. "Hey. I would do that," you said. Slightly confused. Mostly happy. "Exactly," he said patting your shoulder and winking at you. He went and sat next to Jughead. He signalled for me to go over to him. I nodded and sat opposite them. "Hello. The bully of Jughead," Forsythe said. You rolled your eyes. "Im sorry," you said. Slightly with a t t I t u d e. "You know it's on the inside that matters Jug. Not the outside." Archie said. "Give an example," you said. "Refrigerator," Jughead said. "Of course you would say that. You the school starver." Archie said. You look at your phone and take mugshots of them. And quietly posted them. You pressed record on your phone. "If you excuse me," you said leaving your phone in your bag that's on your seat. You waited in the girls bathroom. And heard a loud noise. You jumped. Only to know that noise was in the room with you.

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