Jughead Part 5

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"How far would she go," you all said. You had a unhappy look on your face. Suddenly you see your mother walking towards you. "Y/N. I heard what happened in sorry. Come here," Your mother said. "Mom. How did Juggie stop breathing," you asked. Tears in your eyes. Everyone looked at your mom. "I don't know that's why I'm here. You can go see him. I don't want to see You like this. Not this bad any way," your mother said. You looked at the others. "Mum. Can the others Come," your mother nods.
You get to the hospital. "Jughead Jones," you asked. "Name," "I'm his girlfriend now where is he," you said. "Down there," you ran towards Jughead's room. You walk in and sat on his bed. Tears rolling down your face. You felt his pulse. You can feel it but it's getting fainter and fainter. Suddenly his heart stops. You scream. The nurse comes in. Your mother takes you to her. You cry into Cheryl's shoulder. "How did he just stop breathing?" You asked. "Someone blocked the oxygen mask this morning," The doctor said. "No I had a phone call this morning. Saying he was dead," you said. "Oh dear. That wasn't us," the doctor said. "Mom. Did you do that," you asked. She looked at you. "I wouldn't do that. I know I said no more seeing Jughead. And I will make sure of it. I didn't mean it like this," She said. You nodded as you watched them as they done CPR. You cried even harder. "Mom I'm going to school." You said. She nodded. You walked out and our friends followed behind.
"How does it feel. You know being in this mood. Jughead gone. Parents not wanting You," You turned around to see Reggie. "You don't want to push me right now. Reggie," you said. "I also heard that your parents are constantly fighting. Your mother always taking things out on you. Jughead didn't deserve to die. Just like he doesn't deserve you." Reggie said. With that your fists were balled and you swung at him. You got on top of him and kept on punching him only to be dragged off by Archie and Kevin. They took you to your locker. You got more furious as you read what it said. You looked around everyone staring. Somehow there is a table there. You stood on it. "WHAT YOU ALL STARING AT. I MAY NOT HAVE THE BEST LIFE. I MAY NOT BE ATTRACTIVE IF YOU WANT TO STARE TAKE A PICTURE IT LASTS LONGER," You yelled at the top of your lungs. You got down and went to class. "Now class," the teacher began but everyone started talking. Probably about you. Bit your strong you don't care what people think. You stood up "HEY. WANT TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS TO A SNAKE WHEN A  LUIS VULTTON HEEL STEPS ON IT. SHUT THE HELL UP OR YOU'LL FIND OUT," You screamed. Everyone turned to you. "Like I said earlier. Take a picture it lasts longer," you said. You didn't have energy to speak. You felt your self become light headed. "Archie," you said. You fell and he caught you. "You ok," he asked. You couldn't quite hear. Suddenly everything became faint. And all you could see was black.

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