Chapter 2: The Nightmare and Secret Keeping

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Emersyn's P.O.V.

"Hey baby. I have a surprise for you."

"Oh really? Am I going to like it?" Harry asks smirking.

"Um. I hope so. Follow me." I take him into the living room and hand him the gift bag. He opens it and his face is blank. "So? What do you think?" I ask hoping to get a good response.

"Are you serious? Please tell me this is a joke."

"It's not Haz. I really am pregnant."

"You've got to be kidding me! I said we were waiting! I thought you were on the pill?"|

"I am...but I was on medicine for that sinus infection. It must've happened then."

"God Emersyn! How can you be so careless? You know I'm not ready for this!"

"I-I'm sorry. I wasn't expecting it."

"Yea? Well neither was I!" he spits and throws the gift on the ground. He storms off to his office. And I just pick up the picture of the sonogram and walk to the bedroom. I shut the door and slide down until I'm leaned against it and I sob my eyes out.

He's not happy. This is my fault.

"Em? Emmy. Emersyn. Baby!" I jolt awake and see Harry hovering over me. My cheeks are wet with tears and I'm shaking uncontrollably. "What's wrong baby?"

"N-nothing. Just a bad dream. I'm okay." I look over at the clock and see that its 4:30 in the morning. "Sorry for waking you."

"No baby. Shhh. It's okay. Let's get some sleep. Yea?" I nod and cuddle back up to Harry and go back to sleep.

I wake up when I hear Harry's alarm go off. I roll over and stretch before sitting up and turning on the lamp. I see that Harry snoozed his alarm and buried his head back into the pillow. I laugh to myself and go to the bathroom. Afterwards I head to the kitchen to start breakfast for Harry.

I put water in the tea kettle and put it on the stove. I set two mugs on the counter and put tea bags in them. I begin to cook some pancakes when I feel two arms wrap around me from behind.

"Good morning sunshine." I giggle.

"mmmm" Harry says into my neck.

"Still sleepy?"


"Awe. Poor baby." I finish the pancakes and put them on plates. I pour the water into the mugs. And Harry helps take our stuff to the table.

"So. What was your dream about?" Harry asks.

"Oh. Um. Well we got into a huge fight.and um you stormed off. And yea. That's about it." I lie.


"Yea. But lets not talk about that. Lets talk about Christmas!" I say beaming. It's my favorite time of year. And it's only one week away.

"What about it?" Harry asks grinning.

"I don't know what to get your mom. I'm getting your gift today." Harry's gift is going to consist of multiple little hints about me being pregnant.

"I haven't got your gift yet. I'm going after work today to get it. As for my mom, you don't have to get her anything."

"Ugh. Harry. But I want to." I groan.

"Okay. How about this, I'll take off early tomorrow and we can look up some stuff and see what we can find for her."

"That sounds perfect. I'm thinking of getting Gemma and Ella this mommy daughter matching necklace set I saw at that jewelry store down the road."

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