Chapter 11: Big News

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*i do not own any pictures posted..all used for examples*

Emersyn's P.O.V.

"Can I please know the name?" Harry asked for the hundredth time.

"Ugh. Fine. I'll tell you. But you have to promise not to tell a soul."

"I promise! Now tell me please!" he said excitedly. I leaned over and whispered the name in his ear.

"Baby, its beautiful! How did you come up with that?" He asked as he pulled the blanket tighter around us as we laid on the couch.

"Honestly, it just came to me one day. I wanted a name that was more unique, not something that everyone was using. As I was chilling around the house it came to me and I just knew it was the one." I explained as I absentmindedly drew shapes on Harry's torso.

"Well it's perfect. So, how do we tell the world about Peanut? Do we tell the name? The gender?" he asked.

"I definitely don't want the name out yet. I want it to be a surprise for everyone, so we are the only ones who know the name. Our family and friends know the gender, but no one has posted pictures until we put it out there that we're having a baby girl. But I was thinking that we could do a cute mini photoshoot this week before the awards show and then I could wear a dress that shows off the bump."

"Hmmm. That would be a good idea. But are you sure that you want it out there this early? It took a while for all of the hate to go away when we started dating, got engaged, and married. I just don't want you to be stressed out."

"I'm sure Haz. No matter what we do, there are going to be people who are jealous of our life. We can't run from it, nor hide from it. When I chose to to be with you for the rest of my life, I walked into the craziness of marrying a pop-star. You may not be publishing music or doing shows at the moment, but you're famous and well known. I wanted you Harry. And to have you, I had to agree to the craziness. And it's totally okay with me. There's nothing we haven't overcome. So, yes, I want people to know that we're having a baby and starting a family. I want them to see that I'm in it for the long run." Harry pulled me closer and kissed my temple.

"Em, you have no idea how much that means to me. You're so brave and so strong. Our baby is blessed to have a mum like you. And I am extremely blessed to have you as my wife. So let's schedule that photoshoot and do it as soon as possible."

"Sounds good." I smiled as Harry kissed my nose.


I opened my eyes slowly when I began to feel a constant vibration. We must have fallen asleep on the couch earlier.

"Haz, babe, your phone keeps ringing." I said as I nudged him awake.

"Hmm?" he has said as he stretched.

"Your phone keeps ringing. It must be pretty important." Harry grabbed his phone and called the person back as I got up to head to the bathroom.

When I came back, Harry was sitting on the couch with his head in his hands.

"What's wrong baby?" I asked, sitting down beside him.

"That was Simon...he wants the us to do a reunion tour starting next month."

"How long will it last?"


"But that's not right! The baby is due in June! You can't leave!"

"I know Em...I told him that. He wants to have a meeting tomorrow with all of us to discuss everything."

"This is what I was afraid of. You're going to miss everything. Including the birth. I can't do this on my own Harry. I need you here with me. Every step of the way."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2022 ⏰

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