Chapter 9: Baby Styles' Heartbeat

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* 2 Weeks Later *

Emersyn's P.O.V.

Today is my 4 month checkup. Our little peanut is growing so fast. I'm running out of clothes to wear, so I just steal Harry's. Speaking of Harry, he is over the moon to be a daddy and getting to see the baby today. Today is the day we finally get to hear the heartbeat.

"Babe? You ready to go?" Harry called from downstairs.

"Yea, I'm coming." I called back. I headed down and we left.

"Can we go by the maternity store after the appointment? I really need some new clothes. I can't fit into my jeans or dresses anymore and I really miss it." I fake pouted.

"Of course we can, love. I want my clothes back." he laughed. "I'm joking. You can still wear my stuff and get new stuff."

"You are literally the best husband ever!" I beamed.


We pulled up to the doctor's office and rushed inside just in case there were any paps around. We haven't had any problems with them lately, but you never know when they'll pop up. Especially when you're married to a member of one of the hottest boybands on the planet, even though they've been on a break for a couple years. I signed in at the front desk and took a seat in the waiting room beside Harry.

"Baby, are you nervous?" I asked, placing my hand on his bouncing leg.

"Well, I wouldn't say nervous. More like very excited." he beamed.

"Emersyn?" a nurse called. We followed her to a room and she took my vitals and everything. We were then left to wait on Danielle.

"Good Morning you guys." Danielle said as she walked through the door. "How's my little niece or nephew?"

"Growing bigger and bigger everyday." I smiled while rubbing my belly.

"Good deal. Let's have a look and see what's happening inside." she put the gel on my abdomen and pressed the wand to my skin.

Harry squeezed my hand while I studied Dani's face as she looked at the screen.

"Okay, so, everything looks good. Do you want to hear the heartbeat?" We nodded and it wasn't long until the room was filled with the sound of our little peanut's heartbeat. I look at Harry and he has a huge smile on his face with tears running down his face.

"So, this isn't very common, but I can tell you the gender. It's not normally seen at this point in the pregnancy."

"Can we just have it in an envelope? We want to have a gender reveal party." I said.

"Yea, that's fine. I'll go print those while you clean up." Dani left the room and I walked into the bathroom to clean up. Dani came back with our envelope and some sonograms without the gender. We thanked her and left.

"Does it matter what store we go to?" Harry asked when we got in the car.

"As long as I can get some cute stuff, it doesn't matter to me."

"Okay." he laughed. "Have you thought about the gender reveal?"

"Yeah. I'm thinking about asking Charlotte to do it. I'll have to ask her this evening. I do know that me and you need an outfit to wear to it."

"What color though?"

"Well, I guess you could do whatever color you think the baby is. Or you can do a mixture of both colors."

"What are you going to wear?"

"I'm thinking of doing a pink maxi dress with some blue accents."

"I'll do the opposite then. I'll wear blue with pink." Harry smiled.

"That sounds perfect love." I smiled.

"You know, you really do have a pregnancy glow."

"Really?" I asked.

"Yea, it's like you just can't stop smiling that beautiful smile."

"Awe. You are so cheesy." I chuckled.


One of the hardest decisions I had to make was choosing what maxi dress I wanted. I had already picked out all of the other maternity clothes. That was easy. I finally decided on one before we checked out. Now it's time for Harry to get an outfit. He obviously didn't take as long as me, so it wasn't long until we were at home unloading bags.

"Why don't you sit in the living room while I make lunch. Then we can do the closet and put your new stuff up." Harry suggested.

"Sounds good to me." I kissed Harry's cheek and went to sit in the living room.

After we ate, Harry took all of our bags upstairs to the bedroom. I took an empty storage box out of the hall closet and met him in the bedroom closet.

"So, I think I'm going to put all of these clothes in the box to have after the baby is born." I explained.

"How about you sit and fold the clothes and put them in the box as I hand them to you?" Harry asked.

"Harry, I'm not going to break. I can still do stuff on my own."

"I know, I just don't want you to over-do any thing. I want to keep you and peanut as safe as possible."

"Okay. I'll fold the clothes and you can hang up the new ones." I gave in.

About an hour later, we had the closest completed. We went back downstairs and watched TV. Around 4:30 the evening, Charlotte came back to the house.

"Guys, I found an apartment. I'm moving back to London!"

"OMG! Char, I'm so excited!" I exclaimed as I hugged her.

"I move in tomorrow. So don't worry. You can have your house back to yourselves soon." she said as she wiggled her eyebrows at us. We all laughed and once we all settled down, I got the envelope out of my purse.

"Charlotte? As my very best friend, I want you to do my gender reveal. Here's the envelope with the gender. I don't want a traditional reveal with the chalk and confetti. I want something more unique." I explained.

"Em, I would be honored to do this. It means everything in the world to me that you chose me for this. I can promise you that it will be completely unique."

"Thank you so much!" I said as I hugged her.

"Can we have it next Saturday? I don't want to be in charge of this secret for very long."

"That sounds perfect to me."

Later that night as me an Harry were in bed, we discussed names for the baby. Harry chose the boy name and I chose the girl name. We decided to keep them a secret from each other and from others until the baby was born. Until then, we would just use initials or nicknames.

"I can't wait to find out what we're having." Harry said as we cuddled in the sheets.

"Me either. I don't care if its a boy or a girl in all honesty. I just want him/her to be healthy."

"Me too baby." Harry said as he kissed my forehead.

"Now, let's sleep. Momma and Peanut are sleepy." I chuckled.

"Yea. Let's do that. Good night Baby Momma." Harry laughed.

"Good night Baby Daddy." I laughed back.

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