Chapter 8: The Backstory

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* 7 years ago *

Emersyn's P.O.V.

I woke up from the sunlight beaming in the room. It's finally the last week of my Junior year in high school. I was the outcast because I am originally from America. I just moved to the UK last year. I made a few friends and we ended up getting really close over the summer. One thing I've never told them is that I've received death threats and other rude notes from other students at school. I don't want them to worry about me. Eleanor, Danielle, and Perrie are like my sisters. They have my back and I have theirs. During the summer, I bonded with them and their boyfriends along with a couple of the guys' friends. Eleanor is dating Louis, Danielle is dating Liam, and Perrie is dating Zayn. Me, Harry, and Niall are single.

I drug myself out of bed and got dressed. I grabbed my bag and headed out the door to meet the girls at Starbucks. All they said in the text was that they had big news. I parked my car, got my coffee, and sat at the table with the rest of the girls.

"So what's the big news?" I asked.

"All of the boys applied for The X-Factor!" Eleanor beamed.

"Are you serious? All 5 of them?" I asked shocked.

"Yes! They leave out on Friday after school." Perrie spoke up.

"We're all going to watch their auditions on Saturday. Do you want to come?" Danielle asked.

"Well duh. Of course I do." I said.

"Great. Let's all stay at my house on Friday." Eleanor suggested. We all agreed and headed off to school. Out of all nine of us, Harry was the only one who shared first period with me. We got to our lockers and the other girls got their books and left. I opened my locker and a folded piece of paper fell out. I opened it and read it.

'Go die in a bloody hole"

The notes I receive range from good to bad and from bad to horrible. I folded it back up and put it in the small lockbox in my locker shelf. I held back the tears as I grabbed my books. I shut my locker just as Harry walked up.

"He Em!" he smiled. Oh how I loved that smile of his.

"Hey Harry! Congrats on the X-Factor."

"The girls must have told you." he laughed.

"Yea, they did. I am so excited for you." I said as I hugged him.

"Thanks, now let's go before we're late. " we made it to class on time and took our seats.

The day seemed to drag on and I was finally able to go back to my flat. I made a small snack and a cup of tea. I grabbed my laptop and sat at the dining table to do some homework. I worked to get ahead on as much homework as possible since we would be out of town this weekend. After I did that, I cleaned up a little around the flat and headed to bed.


Friday after school, we all met up to send the guys off. I was currently cleaning out my locker, making sure not to leave anything over the summer for the janitors to throw away. As I was doing so, once again another note fell out. I sighed and picked it up. It was the worst note I had ever received.

"No one fucking likes you American Girl. Go hang yourself. No one will miss you."

Before I knew it, I was on the floor against my locker crying.

"Emersyn? Where are y-? Oh My! Hey whats wrong?" Harry asked as he came around the corner. He sat beside me and pulled me against his chest. I kept the note close because I didn't want anyone to know.

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