Chapter 6

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*Cotton's POV*

I pranced into Rei's room, not bothering to knock. "Rei-chan guess what happened during training today!" I said excitedly once she had turned to look at me.

She smiled and signed 'what?'

"Rai-chan over worked himself and fainted! I had to hack into his phone like a super ninja and call the limo and then carry him all the way into the limo! And the butler, Hiroshi-san, he took him to his room!"

'Is he okay??'

I nodded. "Yep! He was just being a dumb dumb," I plopped down on her bed. "Can we do more learning please?"

She smiled and nodded happily.


'Hello my name is S-H-I-H-I-R-O but you can call me C-O-T-T-O-N' I signed, Then grinned. "I DID IT REI-CHAN, I SAID IT RIGHT!"

She giggled. 'Yes you did'

"What's all the screaming about?" Raiden walked into Rei's room.

"I learned sign language,"

'She a quick learner, of corse there's more to learn but she knows enough to understand' Rei signed.

He smiled. "Really? Can you tell me something, Shihiro?"

'You're a very smart and nice person, but sometimes you can be a real meanie' I giggled.

"Huh? Really? That's what you tell me?"

I giggled more. "Yeah!"

"Little brat," he huffed, crossing his arms over his chest.

'Be nice' Rei signed.

'I am nice!' He signed back.

She gave him the look. He shut up. I laughed.

"RAI-CHAN'S SCARED OF REI-CHAN!" I jumped up and down.

Raiden glared at me. "Am not,"

"Are too!"

"Am not,"

"Are too!"

"Am not!"

'Are too' Rei giggled.

I laughed. "See??"

"I shouldnt have ever brought you to my home,"

I smiled happily. "Too late, now you're stuck with me because Rei-Chan and I are best friends!"

'Best friends forever' she signed.

Then we started our best friend handshake. It's very special. We grab each other's hands like a criss cross hand shake and then we jump in a circle —on one foot only!— and then we pull each other into a big bear hug and then we pull away and give each other two high fives and then two foot fives and then we blow a kiss at each other! And that's it!

"This is what you guys do while I'm asleep?" He rubbed his temples with a chuckle.

Then he gently ruffled Rei's hair. 'I'm glad you're having fun'

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