Chapter 13

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*Cotton's POV*

"Cotton... it's time to wake up,"

"No...!" I groaned, pulling the blanket over my head.

Umehito sighed heavily. "What do I do...?" He muttered to himself. "Do you... Uh... want cake for breakfast?"

I slowly pulled the blanket off my face. "Carrot cake?"

He nodded.

I nodded.

He sighed in relief. "Get dressed, I'll be in the kitchen,"

"Where's the kitchen?" I hopped out of bed.

"I'll wait outside then," he left my room.

I quickly got changed into my uniform and ran outside.

"Your cloak," Umehito reminded me.

"Right!" I went back inside and grabbed my cloak, wrapping it around myself and pulling the hood on, I walked back out and he started walking, I followed.

"This is the kitchen, remember it,"

I nodded. "I'm not staying here, you know that right?"

"Huh? Oh... yeah I know... just for next time,"

"So we're gonna have sleepovers?" I asked excitedly.

He nodded. "If you want,"

I jumped up and down excitedly. "I'd love to have sleepovers!"

He smiled and Beelzenef clapped his little paws happily. Umehito set a plate of cake in front of me.

"I've changed my goal, Ume-chan!" I said excitedly as I started eating.

"Really? So no more black magic?"

"No no, a lot more black magic!"

He tilted his head. "But not for the Haninozuka's?"

"No no, I need to bring Rei back first,"

"Oh, a location spell is simple," he waved off, eating some of his breakfast.

"No, I need to bring her back from the dead, and soon. They're gonna bury her next week!"

Umehito started choking on his food while Beelzenef looked terrified.

"Bringing back the dead is... dark.... even for black magic,"

"I was reading last night, the books Eve-chan gave me, everything big has a repercussion,"

He nodded, staring at me intently.

"Bringing life will probably cost a life, won't it?"

He nodded again. "Inevitably,"

"Then I'm willing, whatever it takes, whoever it kills, I'm bringing her back,"

"It's dangerous, Cotton, there's a side of black magic that even my club doesn't cross too, resurrecting the dead... is well into that side,"

"I have to do it, Ume-chan, who know what's over there, she's doesn't deserve to go yet, it's not her time,"

"That isn't for you to determine,"

"Are you going to help me or at I going to have to do it all myself?" I crossed my arms over my chest.

He sighed heavily and shared a look with Beelzenef. "We'll help... as long as none of my members are sacrificed for your goal,"

"Your members won't be bothered,"

"We should go to school then,"

I inhaled the rest of my cake and followed Umehito out of the kitchen. Beelzenef kept an eye on me over his shoulder the whole time we were walking out. When we got into the limo, I stared down at my lap, thinking.

Just Call Me Cotton~Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora