Chapter 15

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*Cottons POV*

I'm currently cornered in a corner by the twins, who don't look very happy.

"We know you did it," Hikaru said.

"Fess up," Kaoru added.

"I don't know what you're talking about..." I whispered, tears of fear building in my eyes.

"The little charms in our pockets, our constant fighting, your sudden 'favor'," Hikaru used air quotations.

"It wasn't that hard to figure out, after what you did to Honey," Kaoru crosses his arms.

They both leaned down close to me. "You're going to pay for making a fool of us,"

I gulped. "I— I..." tears started falling. "H-Hika-Chan... K—Kao-Chan.... you're scaring me..." I whimpered.

"Quit the loli act, we can see right through it. You're trying to deceive masters of deception and it won't work," Hikaru said.

They both grabbed my arms and started to drag me toward the Host Club room. I panicked and tried to stop them.

"No! Let go of me! Get off! Ume-Chan! Une-cha—" Kaoru covered my mouth.

"You're being too loud," he whispered and then they threw me into the Club Room where the rest of the Hosts were waiting.

Everyone stared at me, accessing me. Finally, Honey came up to me.

"Imouto... what's all this..?" He pulled my hood off. "You look like Neko-Chan now... and you even have a puppet..." he tried to grab Beelzenef Jr, but I wouldn't let him. "Imouto, please, give it to me,"

"No, Ume-Chan said he'll protect me..." I whispered. "Ume-Chan is going to be very mad and all of you for this," I wiped at my tears. "Especially you Tama-Chan,"

He went frigid, eyes wide in fear. "M—m—me?"

I nodded. "You're the leader,"

He looked terrified and then just in that moment, Umehito came into the room, looking angrier than I've ever seen him. Tamaki yelped and hid behind Kyoya while Mori  was quick to scoop Honey up, away from me. The first thing Umehito did was pull my hood on. I hugged him.

"Ume-chan... I'm scared..." i used his cloak to wipe my tears. 

He carefully picked me up in his arms and I comfortably held onto his shoulders.

He glared at the Host Club. "Bother her again and I will put a curse so horrible on you that you won't be able to come to school!" He left to the Black Magic Club room and set me on a couch. "Are you Alright? Any dizziness? Fatigue? Does your stomach hurt?" He kneeled in front of me

"I'm fine now, Ume-chan, I was just scared," I wiped at my tears.

He sighed in relief. "Okay, that's good," he rested his head on my knees.

I gently pat his head. "Thank you for coming to rescue me,"

He picked up his head and looked at me with a smile. "Well I am your Prince Charming, aren't I?"

I giggled, remembering the last time he saved me. "Yes, you are," I leaned forward and kissed his cheek. "Thank you, Ume-Chan,"

He blushed lightly and chuckled. "Y— you're welcome, Cotton,"

I heard a gag and looked at Eve who was walking into the room.

"Lock the door next time," she muttered and she went to her little station.

I tilted my head. "What does she mean? If we lock it, no one can come inside..?"

Umehito smiled at me and put a hand on top my head. "She's trying to make a joke,"

"I don't get it,"

"That's because she's not funny,"

I giggled lightly as I saw Eve glare and Umehito. "It's not my fault you have googly eyes for a five year old,"

Now it was Umehito's turn to glare at her. I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Ume-chan..." he looked at me. "That's  pedophilia ...."

He face palmed. "No, Cotton, that was another one of her jokes,"

I sighed. "Eve-Chan, stop making jokes, you're not good at it,"

She rolled her eyes. "Okay," She said sarcastically, then started muttering to herself. "I'm here working my ass off to bring her friend back to life and those two love birds have the audacity to tell me I'm not funny. I'm super fucking funny," she silently fumed.

"I think I made her mad," I whispered to Umehito.

He chuckled. "I think so too,"

I smiled at him but slowly a blush started to rise to my cheeks as Eve's muttering settled in my brain. I blushed brightly and covered my face with my hands.

"Huh? Cotton? What's the matter?"

"She called us love birds," I whispered, peaking at him through my fingers.

He blushed lightly and chuckled. "W—well... another one of those jokes, huh?" He chuckled nervously.

I slowly put my hands down and bit my lip. He tilted his head slightly. "What is it? What're you thinking?"

Eve passed by behind him. "Oh for fucks sake," she pushed him as she passed by.

I stared with wide eyes at a wide eyes Umehito as our lips were firmly planted on the others. He jumped back, blushing bright red and started shouting in gibberish, even Beelzenef looked flustered. Me and Beelzenef Jr were just very very much in shock.

Eve snickered from the other side of the room. "Just admit you have the hots for each other, I'll only judge a bit,"

I touched my lips lightly before looking at Umehito and tilting my head. "That was my first kiss,"

He blushed even more, if that's possible and shrunk back into his cloak.

Eve came up to him and put a hand on his shoulder, looking at me. "He likes you, he's just too proud to say it right now,"

I looked at Umehito questioningly. All I got from him was a quiet squeak.

Eve rolled her eyes. "I thought you were the Prince Charming, not the princess," she spoke to Umehito.

I sighed lightly in disappointment. "Eve-chan can you tell me what we have so far and what we need?" I got off the couch and walked right pasted Umehito and to Eve's station.

She snickered. "Oh she's mad now, way to go senpai," she teased him before walking to me and explaining the ritual.

This was more of a filler chapter, but I hoped you liked it. Yesterday was the first day back to school and right now it's about 2 in the morning and I should sleep haha. My AP classes so far feel the nicest, like class wise, it feels like a little little family (Idk if I'm weird but I look for that kind of feeling in a class and if I don't get it then I just don't like the class)

Question of the chapter!

What's you favorite subject in school?

I usually like English but again it depends on the atmosphere lol but I already know I'm going to love Biology because I had it last year same teacher an everything only this year it's AP haha

Sorry for typos!

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