Chapter 8: 5 years later

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-5 years later- (like I said in the title but shh, secret~)

"Mares! Abril! Go and reinforce the right wing! Secure the central plaza!"

The voice of a woman, strong and confident echoed on the battlefield. The liberation of the other species by the member of the resistance is still going on, even after 5 years of conflicts.

Standing in the middle of the battlefield, using an offensive mode of the borg, was a familiar pink haired girl, all grown up, in her early 17. Fighting with her new magic skills and with the help of the other members of the resistance, she was in her way to free the Garuda tribe.

-Meanwhile, in the Eighth base of the resistance-



The two were facing each other, a very serious expression on both faces. They were sitting at a table, inside Ugo's lab, and the said man was starting to lose hope for both of them.

The last five years, those two never left each other's side. If you were searching for Solomon, he will be with (Y/N), no matter the circumstances. It was quite funny to see the serious and confident Solomon always following (Y/N) around like a puppy, even if most of the time he was the one to drag her around everywhere he went. Heck, with (Y/N) by his side, Solomon started to have crazy ideas, just like her. They were inside their own world, speaking about walking trees, floating mountains, space boats, dragons, evil dancing organisations...

Indeed, just listening to them was enough to start wondering if their sanity was fine. But at least, the leader of the resistance was only acting that way with her. If not, they will already be drawings on literally every existing wall of the base.

Adverting his eyes from his book, the magic otaku stared at the scene. It wasn't the first time it happened. It was like that every time the two of them had an argument. And this time, the subject was quite...

"I said no."


"We already have a lot of furry creatures here. We don't need more hair on the floor."

"It's not that cute fluffy ball that will change the amount of hair in this freaking base."

"The less we have, the better. Even if it's only a little."

"Okay. You leave me no choice."

Searching inside her bag, (Y/N) took a small black kitten, with deep blue eyes and long whiskers.

"Now, I dare you to say no to her."



Looking straight to the eyes of the kitten, Solomon kept a firm look. This cat was cute as hell, but there was already too much hair everywhere. On the books, inside the rooms, on the streets. Hair, hair everywhere. He was going crazy.


The head of the (h/c) haired girl smashed on the table, while anime tears streamed down her face.

"Ugooooo! Say something!"

The engineer was taken aback. Now she wanted to drag him into this.

"W-Well, it's a cute cat-"

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