Chapter 8

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Chapter 8


                Aonghus advanced upon Iain. “If this is a jest, Iain, then it is in very poor taste.” Iain took a step back for each Aonghus took forward. His voice barely above a whisper, but shaking Iain to the core. He hastily put his hands out in a placating motion, taking a calm expression and attitude, knowing that it could be the only way to walk away from this encounter unscathed. “Aonghus, I would not jest with you over something as serious as this. You know me better than that.” He paused hoping that Aonghus would listen to him, or at least take in the gist of what he was trying to convey. “I can take you to the woman who gave me the information if you wish it?” He hoped that the offer would break through the anger he could see bubbling beneath the surface of his friend. In that moment he truly saw what Hamish had been trying to tell him before he had left MacKay land.

                Another one had fallen, it seemed, and he could be nothing but happy for his friend. Only he had to make sure that he actually managed to get a chance at that happiness. If what he had heard was the truth, they may not have long before they had nothing to find but a cold body rather than a fiery sprite he had heard so much of over the long winter months.

                Aonghus furrowed his brow. Taking a deep breath, he knew he needed to think and clear his mind so that there was nothing clouding any decisions he had to make. He could tell when Iain saw his change in attitude. “What can you tell me?” His voice hard, taking on the edge he had when he was actually on the field of battle, having to make choices that could lead to victory or disaster. And disaster was not an option. He watched as Iain lowered his hands, and breathed an audible sigh of relief. “She was banished for murdering the last Laird.” Aonghus wanted to lash out at something, but there was no outlet for him, unless he took it out upon Iain’s jaw once more. The idea more than tempting, but he would need the males help, and knocking him out would be counterproductive at the moment.

                Iain’s hand went up defensively once more. “This is how I was told, by the clanswoman. I know differently from you, Artair and Hamish. But I need to tell you as I have heard.” He waited, and Aonghus knew he needed to reply in some way, calmly, before Iain would continue. All he could managed was a small nod, but it was enough for the male before him to continue with his tale. “She was allowed to stay through the winter, a concession the elders of the clan managed to achieve when the decision was made. But as soon as the pass had started to clear, she was banished. With little more than the clothes she stood in and a horse no one else could control.” Iain’s Adam’s apple bobbed as he swallowed, a grimace forming on his face, and whatever was coming next, Aonghus knew he would not like it. “The woman I spoke to left at that, but one of the hunters that was supposed to be joining the hunting party hobbled out of his cottage and waved me over. Knowing what his clanswoman had talked of, for apparently she is the source of all the clan gossip. He had injured his leg in a fall two days previous from a fall.” He wiped a hand down his face, knowing Aonghus would react badly to the news he would impart.

                “Aonghus,” a deep sigh left Iain, and he knew, what came next would make him react, and it would give him the push he needed to move immediately. “The male had a respect for Sheena. It was obvious that having such a regard was not acceptable, he brought me into the confines of his home, and the conversation then was still in whispered tones. There is a bad feeling towards your woman in this clan. I know what Grant did to these people, have seen the effects in the clan, I think it is the only reason they did not have her killed for his death. Banishment was suggested by Robert to the clan, and as the new Laird, most of the clan agreed. Those Sheena had grown with seem to have the most against her, and immediately tried convincing the others of the plan. I have not managed to get to the bottom of this yet, but I will, that I swear.”

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