Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

Aislinn sat with Fyfa at one of the lower tables, each casting glances upon the men who sat in very similar positions, with identical expressions of pain. “Do you think we went a little far?” Cam held a grumbling Leathan with one arm bouncing him with a knee, while his head lay in his hand, elbow upon the table. It may have been a good idea, but maybe it was a little excessive. Though it may make them think twice before ordering more drink while in the middle of negotiations. Shaking her head, she turned back to Fyfa. Across from them Edine sat with her youngest bairn, the others currently running around the hall screaming as they were chased by some of the older lads.

The shock upon Edine’s face was a picture of what she thought. “Aislinn, how dare you? This plan was perfection. Do you really think they would learn if you just went on a huff all day?” She raised an eyebrow at her and Aislinn knew she was right. “I know Edine, I just cannot help but see what pain they are in,” a quick glance at the head table had her spying Catriona climbing over Artair as if he were a tree, his face a picture of agony. “And Artair has only just recovered from the other night.” All the women sat for a moment, remembering the panic in the clan over what was happening with him, and the repercussions of what that would mean for Aonghus.

Fyfa was the one who rallied first. “Aye, Aislinn, I agree I think it is a little over the top. But hopefully it will mean we only have to do it this once. And they should have known better because of how close Artair had come to death the other night.” As she paused they each sent a silent prayer of thanks for his recovery to the Lord above. “Any way, Hamish needs to know what it was like for me last night.” With a little huff she crossed her arms over her chest only to wince at the tenderness there. Placing her hands clasped upon the table top instead. Aislinn and Edine both watched her actions, eagle eyed and it was as if the candle wick had been lit as they shared a look before smiling widely. “I do believe you have some news for us, Fyfa. And as the Lady of this clan, I order thee to tell us.” Aislinn tried to look all proud and lofty, and failed miserably, it was one of the reason she was so loved by the women and most of the males within the clan.

Fyfa blushed furiously, embarrassed now most of the other women at the table had paused in their conversations to listen in. Gazing solidly at her hands, as if it would make all those around disappear, she glanced up at Aislinn for a moment, before reverting back to her hands. A small smile quirking at her lips. “Aye, I believe I am having another bairn.” Gasps of delight, and congratulations abounded. When they settled down the main questions started, how could she be sure? Is she having the same symptoms as with Aibne? A little overwhelmed she let the questions batter at her before holding her hands up for quiet. “Well, I have not had my monthly curse,” her blush was seeping heat over her chest, neck and face. It was not right to talk so openly about such matters. “For at least two cycles, and I have been a little sick throughout the day as I was with Aibne. However, last night I was extremely irritable. My,” her hands made a gesture towards her breasts, unwilling to say it aloud. “Were sore, and tight, making it difficult to become comfortable, and Aibne decided that he did not wish to sleep. Or be anywhere but in my arms. And where was Hamish?”

Aislinn quirked her lips. “I see you are a little out of sorts as well. You are usually such a sweet understanding woman.” The women around chuckled lightly, all at the table knowing the storm of emotion they had gone through when carrying their bairns. Making even the mellowest of women into irritable balls of fury at times. Nudging her shoulder against Fyfa’s she smiled at the woman. “See, he does deserve it this morn, he should be more sensitive to your plight.”

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