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Ashley POV:

I brush Emili's hair into a ponytail which is not really easy to do. I was getting her ready for her first concert.

Emili: Mama, I done ?

Me: Almost, just give me a sec...

As I put the last finishing touches to her hair, my sister Nadia walks into the bathroom.

Me: All done

I say throwing my hands up. Her hair was pulled up into a nice pony tail, her hair all curly and thick. I smile at her and she smiles back. Her eyes twinkled. I kiss her on the cheek. She has the chubbiest cheeks ever. Emili gets up and runs out of the bathroom. Nadia walks up to me while I was doing my makeup grabbing the brush I used for Emili's hair.

Nadia: This brush is hard as fuck. That poor baby...

I turn around towards her and gave her stank eye.

Me: Try doing her hair with a normal brush. See how that works out for ya?

She puts the brush down and walks over to the door to close it.

Nadia: First concert, huh?

Me: Yep, first concert

I give her a fake smile because I know what she's going to say next.

Nadia: Does she know who she's going to see?

Me: Yea, Bruno Mars

She starts laughing

Nadia: Does she knows that's her father?

I shake my head, that's when she stops and looks at me in an annoyed way.

Nadia: Why do you keep these secrets. I thought you were going to tell her before she goes...

Told ya...

Nadia: So she's just going to watch this man perform not knowing who he is?

Me: Yea I guess so.

Nadia: She's starting to think Josiah is her father, and your not going to tell her the truth.

Me: I'm not ready to tell her yet.

Nadia: So what, she's 2, she needs to know these things.

I shake my head putting my makeup away. She grabs her earrings and put them on. I look down at my nails and then back at the mirror. I looked at Nadia who is looking at me. Her eyes beamed at me. They were like a greenish hazel color. The difference between Nadia and I... She's darker and her eyes are hazel. Her hair is thick and long and really dark brown curly . But then me, I have light brown wavy hair and big brown eyes. Also my skin is way lighter than hers. She's so beautiful in my eyes.

Nadia: Ash, think about it... Remember when she asked you who her dad was?

I remember that and I had to lie to her. Which I didn't like doing. It broke my heart.

Me: Nadia I'm not ready, please, could you just respect that.

Nadia: I guess... But if you run into him and he finds out, that's on you.

Me: Don't jinx it...

I walk out the bathroom as Nadia follows me out. I grabbed Emili and followed Nadia to the taxi. I hope nothing happens at this concert, and I'm not ready to tell Emili. It's not easy going up to your ex to say, OH YEAH YOU ARE A FATHER... I'm just not ready and Nadia needs to respect that even though she's right... My mind is not fit for it.

~ ~ ~

Nadia POV:

The taxi driver heads to the stadium. I look through my phone trying to ignore the fact that my niece is going to see her father perform on stage not knowing who he is. I understand where Ashley is coming from but it's best to say something before every thing backfires. I don't want Bruno to get mad that she's kept the secret for long. If I find out I had a daughter and missed a couple years of her life I would be so hurt. And not only would he be mad, but Emili would be mad for not being told this earlier. Either way it's better to tell them this before it's too late. Just what I think is best... But I will just respect her.

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