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Ashleys POV:

Another freaking concert... AND I HAVE TO GO.... It's called having a daughter with his ass... Oooo i can't get over the fact that he texted me that bullshit last night... 

Nadia: Hey can you hand me that rubber band right there.

She says pulling her hair into a pony tail. I pass her it.


I hear thumping coming down the hallway. Then she came into the bathroom with headphones in her ears. WAIT... when did she get headphones because I DIDN'T BUY THEM.

Me: Juju, who bought you those headphones....

Emili: Bruwo....

Me: Oh he did.

Nadia looked at me then the headphones shaking her head. I decided to just put her hair two ponytails. 

Nadia: Awe you look so cute. Cute puff balls...

Me: Juju... lip gloss...

I took out her lip gloss and put some on her lips. 

Me: Okay, you're done...

After she left Nadia closed the door so Emili won't hear or repeat what she says...

Nadia: What are you going to do when you get there...

Me: I don't know 

Nadia: I would walk up to his ass and say... BITCH WHAT YOU CALL ME...

Me: That's extra... And you know i wouldn't say that...

Nadia: I know... but sometimes you have to be a little extra.

Me: Okay?

I walked into the living room and put my shoes on. Nadia was putting Emilis shoes on.

Nadia: Yeah but you know that Jessica is going to be there, and she might say some dumb ass bullshit to you...

Me: How do you know that will happen...

She gave me that... GIRL YOU REAL STUPID... THINK... look....and to be honest that look is real because it makes you feel stupid...


Me: Okay... I know... I know.

Nadia: Thank you.

Emili: Mommy lets go...

Me: Okay Juju....

Nadia: Juju... chill

~ ~ ~

Brunos POV:

Does she care... did this affect her in some way. I'm scared... Is she still coming? I look at my phone thinking on what to text... wait.... what am i doing? Stop worrying about her.  Worry about performing....I mean pay attention and think about preforming instead of thinking about weather or not shes coming.... But is she though... like she saw my message but then shes not...

Jessica: Babe... You ok?

Me: Yeah I just want to see my baby though...

Jessica: Who?

Me: Emili... Ever since i sent Ashley that text i have been scared that i was not going to be able to see her 

Jessica: What text...

I pulled out my phone and showed Jessica the text i sent to Ashley. 

Jessica: Awe... Babe... But yeah shes probably pissed.          

Me: Why do you say that.

Jessica: If you sent something like that to me, hell yeah, i would be pissed.

Me: You're scaring me.

Jessica: How...

Me: I want to see Emili, but the way you put it Ashley does not want me around her nor Emili because of what i said to her.

Jessica: I'm sorry. Ever since she came back into your life it was just bad on you.

She hugs me and i hug back... I hope Emilis coming. Please tell me shes coming.

~ ~ ~

Ashleys POV:

I chase after Emili as she runs into the bathroom. Like common now, use the bathroom before we leave... we do this all the time.

Jessica: OH... You

Me: Hi Jessica

I say trying not to cry. 

Jessica: Bruno would be happy to see you...

Me: Really?

Jessica: Not you... Emili

Me: I know

She thinks I'm stupid. I roll my eyes and walk over to the stall Emili ran into.

Emili: Mama... I done. 

Me: Okay... come out.

I heard a click and the stall door slowly opened. There is my baby. I smiled as she skipped out the stall and over to the water fountain. I picked her up so she could wash her hands. 

Jessica: Mmmm... I smell anger...

I give her my stink eye then I turn to grab paper towels for Emili.

Me: Very mature...

Jessica: I know righhhhtt...

Me: I have one question for you and i would be happy if you could answer.

Jessica: Okay?

Me: Who's baby is that?

Jessica just stood there with her arms crossed, staring at me. What is she thinking?

Jessica: So you did tell Bruno...

Me: Huh?

Jessica: About me cheating on him...

Me: Yeah...

She comes closer to me and Emili.

Jessica: Your right... I cheated on him... even before you two saw each other again. 

Me: You did?

Jessica: Yep...

Me: With who?

Jessica: Josiah, me and him were getting it. Bruno hasn't given it to me in a long time, and he still hasn't, but Josiah... Mmmmm... hes been getting me good.

Me: What...

This is when i realized that Josiah was cheating on me for a while.

Jessica: Yep... and now I'm pregnant with his baby...

Me: Wow... but you know I'm going to tell him right.

Jessica: Go ahead... he won't listen anyway.

Me: Why are you cheating on him? Why can't you just break up with him and be with Josiah.

Jessica: And let you have him all to yourself... Noooo... besides the money...

Me: Wow...

Jessica: Tell him... and i bet he won't listen...


Jessica: Watch...

She says whispering into my ear... Will he believe me... Should I be worried. I watch Emili play with the toys in her hands and then i watch the door close as she just walked out...  

Me: What am I going to do...

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