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Bruno POV:

I decided to call Ashley since there's nothing really to do.


Ashley: Hello

Me: Hey...

Ashley: Who is this?

Me: It's me Bruno... How are you

Ashley: Good I guess

Me: What's the matter?

Ashley: You kinda woke me up...

Me: Oh I'm so sorry

Ashley: No it's fine...

Me: Are you sure, I could just let you sleep.

Ashley: I'm awake now

Me: Like I said again, I'm so sorry

Ashley: It's fine, it's fine

Me: Is the baby asleep

Ashley: Juju, yea she is

Me: Juju? I thought her name was Emili

Ashley: Yea, but I call her Juju as a nickname

Me: Oh... That's her nickname...

Ashley: Yea but don't call her that she won't like it. She only likes when me and Nadia calling her that.

Me: So what am I going to call her?

Ashley: I don't know, find a name that fits her, that you like yourself. But for right now just stick to Emili.

Me: Emili... Okay...But I barely know her. I never even spent time with her.

Ashley: Then when do you want to spend time with her.

Me: I don't know....

Ashley: Okay?

Me: Oh... My brother is having a welcome home party tomorrow. Maybe I could take her to that.

Ashley: Ok... But she might need to know you before she goes places with you. She won't feel comfortable, and would probably cry.

Me: Well then come with me...

Ashley: Uh I prefer not...

Me: What? Why?

Ashley: 1 word...girlfriend

Me: Okay what about her?

Ashley: Yea, I don't want to be around her.

Me: Why? What did she do.

Ashley: She's a jealous... It's best if your girlfriend and your baby mama was not in the same place.

Me: She's jealous

Ashley: Uh... No I never said jealous.

Me: You just said that...

I don't know why but I can't help but laugh.

Ashley: What's so funny

Me: Uh... Nothing

Ashley: Mhmm... Sure?

Me: Just come...

Ashley: Fine... But your buying me ice cream...

Me: I remember you saying that all the time...

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