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Nadias POV:

I was supposed to do Emilis hair since she is going i guess somewhere with Bruno, and Ashley is at work... but clearly I can't do her hair.

Me: Juju... baby, why do you have so much hair?

Emili: I donno

The door opens and Ashley came in holding bags and talking on the phone. She looked stressed.                                                                          

Ashley: Ok... but I'm being honest with you. You said you want to be with Jessica... and i say thats fine but moving closer to work is better for me...Where is that....London....Wait what? Shes what? Uh... i have to go... bye... bye.

She falls onto the couch...with everything in here hand.

Me: Ashley you ok?

Ashley: Yeah... just surprised...

Me: Why?

Ashley: I guess Bruno does want to be with Jessica now

Me: How do you know...

Ashley: Jessica is expecting...


~ ~ ~

Ashleys POV:

Nadia went to work and I'm trying to fix Emilis hair and put my clothes on. Then the door bell rings.

Emili: Mommy who's that?

Me: I don't know... no one was supposed to come... 

I get up and walk over to the door seeing Bruno standing at it... CAN HE STOP COMING OVER WITHOUT ME KNOWING? Like please... next time just call. I open the door and started staring at him and then so did Emili. I crossed my arms and Emili mimicked.

Me: Why are you here

Emili: Yeah

Bruno looked at me then Emili then back at me.

Bruno: Really, you are making Emili do it too...

Me: No she's doing this on her own

Emili: Yeah I do this on own

Bruno rubbed his face and asked if he could come in. I shook my head and Emili did the same.

Bruno: Common Ashley please, could i just come in.

Me: Fine...

Emili: MAMA....

Me: What?

Emili: No Bruwo, he no come in

Bruno just looked at Emili shocked then back at me... Then his face changed and he looked mad.

Bruno: So it was true... Emili doesn't like me

Me: Bruno don't take it in that way

Bruno: You're only doing this because you're mad that i love Jessica and decided to be with her...I can't believe it was true... I really can't believe it... You made my daughter not like me Ashley, and you know it.

Me: I didn't make you daughter do anything... she chose to not... I didn't do anything...

Bruno: Emili... Baby...

Emili: No

She walks off and goes into her room slamming the door...Such a drama queen... 

Bruno: Wow... now my daughter doesn't even like me...

Me: Bruno I'm...

Bruno: No Ashley... Its fine... But thank you... I'm going home...

He walks down the stairs and heads towards his car.


Bruno: Thank you for being the reason why my daughter hates me...


Bruno: Then why did she act like that towards me...

Me: She thinks that you don't care about her...

Bruno: Why would she think that...

Me: I don't know...

He walks in and sits down on the couch, putting his head down holding it in his hands. I sat down far from him putting my knee up close to my head and feet barely hanging from the couch. Then i hear a sniff, another sniff... then a sigh... I got up to go grab Emili and then i walked back over to him holding her in my arms. I sit right next to him and i lay my head on his shoulder.

~ ~ ~

Brunos POV:

I felt her lay her head on my shoulder and then her rubbing my back. To be honest this was very relaxing, but the thought that Emili doesn't love me, or doesn't like me makes me feel sick to the stomach like i did bad as a parent. Why doesn't Emili call me Dad, why doesn't she see me as her father. Is this worth it... 

Ashley: He's sad Juju... 

Emili: Why

Ashley: Because you made him sad.

I peek through my hands and see Emili staring at me. Then i sniff all my snot up and put my head back into my hands. Then i feel her small hands touch me. I look down to see little pink shoes below me. Then i see her head poking out from below my hands. She quickly came up making me move my hands, i try not to cry looking at her beautiful face. Damn i helped make one beautiful baby, awe this is my daughter... 

Emili: Don't cry Bruwo.

She wipes my tears off my face then she grabs her shirt and whips my nose removing the snot. I look at her straining myself, i can't cry.

Emili: I love you. 

She hugs me and she kisses me on the lips. 

Me: Emili... who am i to you.

She looks down at the ground and then back at me. She shrugs and looks at Ashley.

Me: I'm your Dad.

Emili: No you're Bruwo.

 I smiled giving her a kiss... Yes I'm Bruno...

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