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Bruno POV:

I pulled up to Eric's house and saw Jessica sitting on the porch. I got out and walked up to her. Then she slaps me in the face.

Jessica: Why the fuck were you not answering my phone calls?

Me: I was asleep.

Jessica: What were you really doing...

Me: Sleeping and getting fat

A lie...

Jessica: Let me smell you...

Me: What the fuck...right here?

Jessica: Mhmm...

Me: I will let you but could we go somewhere private...

Jessica: Fine...

We walked into Eric's house and I follow her into the bathroom. She kneels down and pulls me out.

Me: Is this really necessary?

Jessica: I need to know if you cheating on me or not...

She grabs me hard hurting me a little, sniffing at me... Then she looks up at me which scares me. But then she starts licking me which no lie feels good.

Me: Jessica please not right now

Jessica: Shhh...

~ ~ ~

Ashley POV:

I walk out of the meeting feeling pretty positive on my design, then I checked the time and it said 3:40...SHIT I'M GOING TO BE LATE... I run and grab my stuff from my desk...

Queen: What the fuck are you rushing for...

Queen says putting on her jacket. I grab my coat and put it on.

Me: I'm about to be late picking up Emili... And they pay you extra for that shit... I really don't want to do that... And I feel like a bad mother picking her up so late.

I quickly walk out the door and head towards my car.

Queen: They would understand if you just explain...

Me: Yea... But what about Emili...

Queen: You said you have been talking to Bruno... So he could start picking her up..

I got into the car and Queen gets in with me.

Me: Yea but that means I have to sign him in as an guardian and stuff... I don't really want to do all that...


I pull off... And noticed the time says 3:45.

Me: Okay, okay your right...

Queen: Where is he now...

Me: I don't fucking know... Like I'm supposed to know that shit.. He's not my fucking husband.

Queen: You still like him... You might be pregnant right now... WITH HIS FUCKING BABY... So get married to him then you will know...

Me: Um okay wow... And I'm dating Josiah...

Queen: Josiah sketchy...

Me: Damn, Josiah is sketchy now...

Queen: It seemed like he loved you when he first met you... But then when he found out you had a kid he was like hell no... Emili is ruining your dating life...

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