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I was scared flapless. What was happening? THE FLAPPING WALLS WAS SHAKING!

Me and Luigi ran inside this little door that got replaced with the tv, and we were suddenly in some little room.

"Welcome to the Box Room, Green Turtle and Parrot," a man's robot-like voice echoed from some sort of intercom.

"I'm not even a turtle!" Luigi said in his Italian accent.

I laughed, before I realized he called me a parrot. "I'm actually just a normal bird, thank you very much," I huffed and crossed my wings.

"Who cares? Not me!" The robot man said. "Anyway, welcome to the Box Room. This is where we will challenge you and criticize whether you have the ability to fight."

"What is this? The Hunger Games!?" Luigi laugehd sarcastically.

"What's the hunger games?" I asked clueless and confused.

"Haha no," the voice man continued. "Now be prepared to be scared."

For what?

And then the floor that we were standing on fell to tiny pieces, sending Luigi and I falling down into a deep black hole.

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