Hit Like A Girl

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(I suggest playing the song about half way into reading this chapter, I just think it's hella cool for Nat's character.)


"Go Daniel!!" a guy yelled.

"Run!" another one called out.

Daniel ran across the field, heading to first base. But not even god could save him from the clutches of SouthWest High's baseball players. Skidding on his thigh he tried to at least get his toe onto the base, but unfortunately was tagged out by the opposing team.

Damn my team sucked.

But it wasn't really a surprise, we were a bunch of no bodies against the first period baseball team! The closest thing to sports that any of them ever done was the video game FIFA. From there the game was over in the matter of minutes. Coach Wallace blew the whistle, the ringing piercing the ears of those who were sitting at the bleachers. "You're out!" he said, pointing at Daniel. "Everyone new game! Boys vs Girls."

I scoffed, sweat beating from my forehead. Typical how else can we feed the teenage male ego?

Girls were fanning out their shirts, groaning from the new team decision. One of them, I think Beverly, whined. "I don't see how's that fair Coach, it's like a hundred degrees outside shouldn't we head inside?"

He glared at her with the most unpleasant expression imaginable. "Ms.Bailey."

Shoot, so close.

"My job as the P.E. Coach is to educate kids like you what it means to stay physically in shape. But since you seem to completely miss the point, you'll be the first to go," he growled before blowing his whistle once more. "Everyone get in positions!"

Leaning against the fencing I watched Bailey reluctantly drag the baseball bat behind her. The guys snickering to themselves, which can only mean trouble. She adjusted her stance, the bat wavering under her grip as she lifted it over her shoulder.

At the Pitchers mound was Riley Goldie, one of the best players in the whole team. He plays three different sport and still manages to spend enough energy being a complete dick to everyone else. Chewing his lip, he eyes at Bailey with a devilish smirk. "Don't worry I'll make this quick and painless so you can sit that pretty little ass of yours back down," he chuckled.

I could feel a vein popping out of my skull. The other guys laughed along as Bailey rolled her eyes. Couch barked. "Riley, play the game or I'll send you to the office!"

He shrugged in response. "Whatever you say Coach." And threw the ball directly at Bailey.

Hitting her in the thigh she dropped the bat and yelped. Everyone broke out into laughter, the ball rolling to the back of the net making it Bailey's first strike. As she rubbed her thigh, she cursed out. "What the hell Riley?! You're supposed to aim behind me, not at me!"

"Ms. Bailey! Language!" Coach corrected immediately shutting her up.

Riley snickered to himself. Receiving the ball again, he prepared for another pitch. "I promise I'll go lighter this time."

She ignored him and picked up the bat, getting in position once more. This time she was more focused, her hand was more steady but I don't think it would do much good.

I've gotten plenty of scrapes and bruises in my life, so I can only imagine the bruise Bailey got from that throw. Jeez people can be such assholes.

In a second attempt Riley throws the ball a second time, this time with more force. Fortunately Bailey was able to just barely make it, falling on her butt another fit of laughter sprung across the field. "Strike two!"

But this time the girls don't join, they're praying for the bell to ring already before it's their turn. I bite my lip, trying to stay calm by the arrogance in front of me. But sometimes I don't have any control over my anger and this is just one of those times. Walking around the fence, a swing my arms out in the air. "Hey Riley why don't you pick on someone you're own size?!"

Turning away from his friends, he sneered. "What like you short stack? No thanks."

I pick up the bat, signaling for Bailey to go back to the bleachers. Adjusting my grip, I lift the bat over my shoulder. "Don't worry honey, I'll make it quick and painless so you can sit that pretty ass of yours down," I mocked.

A whistle of 'oooohhhh' circled the field. Some of my classmates staring at me as if I lost my mind. Riley shook his head in disbelief. "Whatever it's your funeral."

"More like yours," I mutter.

I try to keep my eyes on the ball, following it as his grip tightens and loosens on it. I take in a deep breath focusing on my target and before I know it he throws it. I only see it in a glimpse before it zips past me and into the other baseball mit. "Strike one!"

All the baseball players laugh. Riley being the loudest. "You're right maybe I should sit down, it would be better to watch you fail from the bleachers!"

I scoffed. "Just throw the damn ball, dickhead."

His smile faded away, nothing but complete and utter confidence in his eyes. He throws the ball at the same speed, but this time I'm ready. I swing the bat as soon as the ball aligns to my position, feeling the impact rattles my arms but I continue to push forward. My elbows lock for a quick moment as I hit the ball as hard as I can. And did I make a home run? Not exactly. The ball rammed straight into Riley Goldie's crotch, hopefully crushing into his ego and whatever chances he had in making kids.

He immediately fell to ground, his crotch held tightly into his hands. I place the bat over my shoulder, smirking to myself. Coach's whistled again, everyone still trying to recover from busting out laughing. Some of the guys even crossing their legs out of instinct. Riley might be the best athlete in our school, but...

I'm the biggest bitch there is!

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