Bras Are Perfect Mask

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Shutting the car door behind me, I glared up at the new house. It was definitely different than the apartment in the city, a lot more room and an actual yard for once. I brought my pinkie to my lips, chewing off the nail as I tried to come up with a years worth of excuses to not mow the lawn.

My mom swatted my hand from my mouth. "Don't chew your nails."

"Well maybe if you didn't decide to starve me, I wouldn't have resorted to cannibalism."

She glared down at me, her eyes sharpened from her glasses. Even on moving day, my mom still manages to dress like she's about to fire you. Ted stomps over from the other side, his bright red hair practically blinding me from the sunlight. "Aw don't worry Natie bear, I'll make you my famous spaghetti and meatballs after we finish unloading the moving truck," he chuckled.

Ted is my stepdad, he kind of walked in a couple years ago after my dad left. My mom thought he was an idiot at first, with him sending her flowers and stuff. I was surprised she didn't manage to scare him off, but I guess he has some guts under all that crying over The Titanic bull crap. He couldn't be anymore different than my mom. Yet here we are, they've been happily married for about five years now and I couldn't choose anyone better to deal with a demon like my mother.

His large arm wrapped over my shoulders, slowly crushing my skull into his chest. "Ted, we talked about nicknames," I groaned before gasping for air. "And suffocating hugs!"

He quickly lets go of me, his face shook with fear. "Oh I'm so sorry!"

My mom gripped onto his elbow, a rare warm smile on her face. He looked back at her, his worries disappearing immediately. She then looked at me, her eyes back to that lawyer everyone feared so much. I cleared my throat uncomfortably. "I-it's alright."

Pressing my lips together, I slipped out of the family photo and headed towards the back of the moving truck. Opening it, I examined the mountains of boxes before me. Most of this stuff belonged to Ted, he's a big baking fan so much so he made his own baking shop. The main reason why we moved. Apparently there were more opportunities for his store here than there ever was in the city and with any law firm being lucky enough to have my mom, it was easy for her to adjust.

As for me? I'm not sure if I can do the same. I'd like to come here and make a fresh start, but I've never been known to be lucky. People tend to pin their problems on me and I don't see that leaving me anytime soon. I just have to remember that despite how many challenges I'm given, I can't let them put me down. This is my new start and I'm going to spend it the way I want to!

I clutched onto the hatch so I could pullout the loading ramp, but it wouldn't budge. Grabbing it with both hand I pulled harder, the truck cried out in response but refused to move. "Son of a—," I murmured.

With my feet planted on the edges of the truck, I arched back and pulled with all my might. My teeth grinding, I could feel the muscles in my body beginning to ache by how much I was straining them. And as if the universe had come out to fuck me over, the loading board popped open.

I yelped out and landed hard on my back, knocking the wind out of me. Stars begin to sparkle before my eyes, making me smile a bit. That is until I realized those supposed stars were actually boxes, coming straight for me!

Rolling over, I used my arms to cover my head. Boxes crashed around me, making a nasty shattering noise. Some clothes escaped their containers and flagged all over the place, landing on my face as well. My mom rushed over with Ted right behind her. "Natalee!"

I lay there in defeat, slowly coming to the realization that my mom's bra is on my face. Cautiously unveiling my mask, I looked up at the two worried adults before me. "I uh... Heh," I nervously chuckled. "Got the boxes down?"

Her face was blood red, her body shaking. Ted rested his hands on her shoulders, in hopes to hold her back from her rage. I sheepishly put back on the bra over my face.

"NATALEE!!!" My Mom screamed on the top of her lungs.

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